Perjalanan dan Transportasi_Angkutan (Travel and transport) - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 5: Directions, Travel & Transportations (Vocabulary) Flashcards on Perjalanan dan Transportasi_Angkutan (Travel and transport) - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 21/07/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Hotel hotel
Reservasi reservation
Konfirmasi confirm
Tolong, saya mau batalkan (or ganti) reservasi saya I want to cancel (or change) my reservation please. (batalkan means cancel and ganti means change)
Jam berapa harus saya lapor untuk check-in what time must I report for check in?
Jam berapa bisa saya check-in what time can I check in?
Bagasi saya hilang my bag is lost
Bagasi saya dicuri my bag has been stolen
Di mana tempat keberangkatan penerbangan where does the flight depart?
Di mana tempat kedatangan penerbangan where does the flight arrive?
Kartu naik boarding pass
Di mana pintu numor delapan where is gate number eight?
Di mana kedatangan where is arrivals?
Di mana keberangkatan where is departures?
Paspor passport
Saya mau sewa mobil I want to hire/rent a car
Dengan transmisi otomatis dan AC with automatic transmission and AC
Saya mau sewa mobil dengan sopir I want to hire a car with a driver.
Berapa sewanya sehari how much to hire per day?
Itu termasuk asuransi Does that include insurance?
Pijat massage
Agen pariwisata travel agent
Agen perjalanan travel agent
Pariwisata tourism
Liburan holiday
Perjalanan tour, trip, journey
Buku petunjuk pariwisata tour guide book (literally book, guide, tour)
Potungan harga discount price
Atraksi attractions
Turis tourist
Pemandangan views, sights
Pemandangan apa what are the sights?
Bintang berapa how many stars
Bandar udara, bandara airport
Pelabuhan laut sea port
Bagasi bawaan kabin carry on luggage
Kelebihan bagasi excess baggage
Terlambat delayed
Jadwal timetable
Tempat beristirahat resort
Deretan suite
Macet traffic
Macet sekali a lot of traffic
Mobil car
Sepeda motor motorcycle
Ojek motorcycle taxi
Bajaj motorcycle rickshaw
Bis or bus bus
Bemo minibus
Kereta api train
Kapal ship
Pesawat terbang aeroplane
Angkot mini bus
Dokar horse and cart
Becak three wheeler
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