

Flashcards on LB_R1_L15, created by Rita Bitar on 11/08/2022.
Rita Bitar
Flashcards by Rita Bitar, updated more than 1 year ago
Rita Bitar
Created by Rita Bitar about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
يا جماعة! Guys!
عيالكن your families
معزومين you are all invited
الجمعة Friday
أهلي my parents
بيت أهلي my parents' house
مناسبة occasion
شو المناسبة؟ what is the occasion?
حابب I'd like to
حابب عرّفكن عـ ... I'd like to introduce you all to ...
منتشرّف we're honored
رح ينبسطوا they will all have fun
بتعمل she makes
أطيب most delicious
تبولة The Lebanese national dish (Tabouleh)
الله يخلّيها God bless her
الله يسلمِك! bless you!(fem.)
أيّ ساعة؟ what time?
واحدة one
السّاعة واحدة one o'clock
مناخد we take
معنا with us
عادةً usually
لمّا when
عادةً لمّا... usually when...
ناس people
هديّة gift
مثل like
مثل شو؟ like what?
أو or
ممكن possibly
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