Chapter 2 Key Terms


Chapter 2 vocab
Eli Southard
Flashcards by Eli Southard, updated more than 1 year ago
Eli Southard
Created by Eli Southard over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cancellation Reducing process that is used to simplify the multiplication and division of fractions.
Common Denominator To add two or more fractions, denominators must be the same.
Denominator The number of a common fraction below the division line.
Equivalent Two or more
Cancellation Reducing process that is used to simplify the multiplication and division of fractions.
Common Denominator To add two or more fractions, denominator must be the same.
Denominator The number of common fractions below the division line.
Equivalent Two or more fractions equivalent in value.
Fraction Expresses a part of a whole number
Greatest Common Divisor The largest possible number that will divide evenly into both the numerator and the denominator.
Higher Terms Expressing a fraction with a new numerator and denominator that is equivalent to the original.
Improper Fractions Fraction that has a value equal to or greater than 1; Numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator.
Least Common Denominator Smallest nonzero whole number into which all denominators will divide evenly.
Like Fractions Proper Fractions with the same denominators.
Lowest Terms Expressing a fraction when no number divides evenly into the numerator and denominator except the number 1.
Mixed Numbers Sum of a whole number greater than zero and a proper proper fraction.
Numerator Number of a common fraction above the division line.
Prime Numbers Whole number greater than 1 that is only divisible by itself.
Proper Fraction Fractions with a value less than 1; numerator is smaller than denominator such as 5/9.
Reciprocal The interchanging of the numerator and the denominator. Inverted number is the reciprocal.
Unlike Fractions Proper fractions with different denominators.
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