KTFD L9 Vocab JT


ILR KTFD Vocab JT Flashcards on KTFD L9 Vocab JT, created by SLS Mandarin Simplified on 29/08/2022.
SLS  Mandarin Simplified
Flashcards by SLS Mandarin Simplified, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS  Mandarin Simplified
Created by SLS Mandarin Simplified over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
经贸关系 (jīngmào guānxi) (n.) economy and trade relations
时好时坏 (shíhǎoshíhuài) (phr.) "sometimes good and sometimes bad"
贸易伙伴 (màoyì huǒbàn) (n.) trade partner
中国制造 (Zhōngguó zhìzào) (phr.) made in China
自行车 (zìxíngchē) (n.) bicycle
工业品 (gōngyèpǐn) (n.) industrial products
农产品 (nóngchǎnpǐn) (n.) agricultural product, farm produce
汽车 (qìchē) (n.) motor vehicle, automobile, car
食品 (shípǐn) (n.) food, (processed) food products
贸易战 (màoyìzhàn) (n.) trade war
主要原因 (zhǔyào yuányīn) (n.) main reason, principal factor/cause
贸易逆差 (màoyì nìchā) (n.) trade deficit
技术转让 (jìshù zhuǎnràng) (n.) technology transfer
减少 (jiǎnshǎo) (v.) reduce, lower, curtail
征收 (zhēngshōu) (v.) (government) to collect, charge, levy (e.g., taxes)
关税 (guānshuì) (n.) customs duty, customs tariff
报复 (bàofu) (v./n.) to retaliate; retaliation
谈判 (tánpàn) (v./n.) to negotiate (for profits, treties, etc.); negotiation
达成协议 (dáchéng xiéyì) (v. phr.) to reach an agreement
病毒 (bìngdú) (n.) virus
疫情 (yìqíng) (n.) the overall situation of an epidemic/pandemic
严重 (yánzhòng) (adj./adv.) serious, critical, severe; seriously, critically
影响 (yǐngxiǎng) (v./n.) to influence, affect; influenc, impact
关门 (guānmén) (v. phr.) to close a door, suspend business, to close to another party (in the outside world or business relations, etc.)
不断 (bùduàn) (adv.) continuously, constantly
上涨 (shàng zhǎng) (v.) (prices, water level) to rise
发生 (fāshēng) (v.) (the affected) to occur, happen (the incident) (e.g. 加州发生大火)
通货膨胀 (tōnghuò péngzhàng) (n.) inflation
竞争对手 (jìngzhēng duìshǒu) (n.) opponent, rival, competitor
较为 (jiàowéi) to be rather, comparatively, a little bit more...
对抗 (duìkàng) (v.) to resist, fight against
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