Spanish 1 Unit 3 Lesson 2


Food and Drink 2, To have and its present tense conjugations, To be expressions 1, Verbs about Travel 1, Adjectives about food 1, Misc. Words 9
Lucas Callahan
Flashcards by Lucas Callahan, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucas Callahan
Created by Lucas Callahan about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pineapple La piña
Apple La manzana
Watermelon La sandía
Pear La pera
To have Tener
I have Yo tengo
You (informal) have Tu tienes
He has El tiene
She has Ella Tiene
You (formal) have Usted tiene
We have Nosotros tenemos
You all (informal) have Vosotros tenéis
They (male) have Ellos tienen
They (female) have Ellas tienen
You all (formal) have Ustedes tienen
To be hungry Tener hambre
To be cold Tener frio
To be hot Tener calor
To be afraid Tener miedo
To be sleepy Tener sueño
To be lucky Tener suerte
To be in a hurry Tener prisa
To be thirsty Tener sed
Cookies Las galletas
Ice cream El helado
Cake El pastel
Bread El pan
Pickle El pepinillo
Lettuce La lechuga
Onion La cebolla
Soda El refresco
Lemonade La limonada
Fruit La fruta
Kiwi El kiwi
Mango El mango
Cereal El cereal
To travel Viajar
To visit Visitar
Bakery La panaderia
Soft Suave
Sweet Dulce
Symbol Símbolo
Audio Audio
To practice Practicar
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