The Byzantine Empire


Unit II Project
Flashcards by mmolinsky, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mmolinsky almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Constantinople -the capital of the Byzantine Empire -crossroad for land and sea trade routes -strongly defended by walls and towers
What does Hagia Sophia mean, where is it located and why was it built? 1. "Holy Wisdom" 2. Constantinople 3. previous church was destroyed in riots
Who was Justinian's wife and what was her role in Constantinople? Theodora- was shrewd politician -co-ruled with Justinian -made policies that helped women, children, and poor -started at the bottom of society
what initially caused the Great Schism? The Pope (Western Christianity) and the Patriarch (Eastern Christianity) disagreed over whether or not symbols should be included in worship (Pope was for, Patriarch against)
autocrat a ruler with complete authority over secular and religious matters
What made Constantinople a vital center of the Byzantine empire? -well protected (by walls and towers and water on 3 sides) -on the edge of Europe and Asia -great place for trade because of location
Justinian's code -Justinian's reform of the law -A massive collection of laws passed by Roman assemblies or decreed by emperors, also included the legal writings of Roman judges to be used as a handbook for students -other civilizations modeled their laws from it
Who formed the backbone of the empire? peasants=> -worked the land -payed taxes -were soldiers in the military -had one of the strongest military forces in the world
What led to the decline and eventual destruction of the Byzantine Empire? -struggles over succession, court intrigues, and constant wars -lords took control of land -the Seljuk Turks invaded => led to the crusades which weakened Constantinople -Ottoman Empire took over
What did the Ottoman Empire rename Constantinople? -Istanbul -the Hagia Sophia was turned into an Islamic house of worship
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