Jana Sims


Sorry Its So Late
Flashcards by jesims, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jesims over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The 14th Amendment One of the Civil War Amendments; defined US citizenship and guarantees ''equal protection under the law''
De jure segregation Segregation established by law. For example: Jim Crow & the Supreme Court decision in PLessy v. Ferguson.
De facto segregation Latin phrase that means ''by fact''. Segreation that occurred NOT by law but as a result of tradition. Example: In 1900's blacks and whites attended separate churches.
Jim Crow laws Segregation laws in the South
Original Jurisdiction Authority of a court to hear a case for the FIRST time.
Appellate Jurisdiction The authority of a court to hear a case APPEALED from a lower court.
Legal Brief A written document explaining the position of one side or the other in a case.
Majority Opinion A statement that present the views of the majority of the Supreme Court justices regarding a case.
Dissenting Opinion A statement written by a Supreme Court justice who disagrees with the majority opinion, presenting his or her own opinion.
''Stare Decisis'' Principle followed by judges and the Supreme Court: a Latin term that means ''Let yesterday's decision stand''
Precedent A ruling that is used as the basis for a judicial decision in a later, similar case. Example: The case Plessy v. Ferguson established the precedent of ''separate but equal''
Due process of laws Means fair and equal treatment in a court of law. 5th & 14th amendment mention due process of laws.
Dred Scott v. Sanford (Slave) The Supreme Court ruled that enslaved African Americans were property, not citizens, and had no rights under the Constitution. (1857)
Plessy v. Ferguson A black man, who purchased a ticked to ride in the whites only railroad car in Louisiana. (1896)
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas Banned segregation in public schools. (1954)
Briggs v. Elliot Case that challenged segregated schools in Clarendon County, South Carolina (1954)
Reverend J. A. Delaine
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