1.1 Systems Architecture


A useful collection of flashcards for the 1.1 Systems Architecture topic.
Archie Fisher
Flashcards by Archie Fisher, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Adam Davies
Created by Adam Davies almost 5 years ago
Archie Fisher
Copied by Archie Fisher about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the purpose of the Program Counter? The program counter stores the memory address of the instruction for each cycle.
What is the purpose of the Accumulator? The Accumulator is a register which stores intermediate results from the ALU.
Where is the Cache located? The Cache is located within the CPU, close to the processing cores.
What are the 3 levels of Cache? L1 - Fastest but lowest capacity L2 - Slower than L1 but higher capacity L3 - Slower than L2, but highest capacity
What are registers? Registers are volatile forms of memory which can only hold small amounts data but at extremely fast speeds.
State the purpose of the Control Unit. The Control Unit controls the flow of data within the CPU.
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