TERE 5 sõnavara


Flashcards on TERE 5 sõnavara, created by sls estonian on 26/10/2022.
sls estonian
Flashcards by sls estonian, updated more than 1 year ago
sls estonian
Created by sls estonian almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
clock, time kell kella kella
exactly, on time täpselt
three quarters kolmveerand kolmveerandi kolmveerandit
half pool poole poolt
at the moment, now praegu
when, at what time millal
to meet kohtuma kohtuda kohtu n
to come tulema tulla tule n
to get together kokku saama kokku saada saa n kokku
to know (have information) teadma teada tea n
around, about umbes
somewhere kuskil
How old are you? Kui vana sa oled?
theatre teater teatri teatrit
How many? mitu
Why? miks
naturally loomulikult
to love armastama armastada armasta n
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