Unit 3 - Verbs


FSI Unit 3 Flashcards on Unit 3 - Verbs, created by Sandhya Thapar on 09/11/2022.
Sandhya Thapar
Flashcards by Sandhya Thapar, updated more than 1 year ago
Sandhya Thapar
Created by Sandhya Thapar almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
काम पर जाना to go to work
बीमार लोगों को देखना to examine sick people
रखना to keep/ to put/to place
सैर करना to take a walk
दिखाना to show
ध्यान रखना to take care of
डालना to pour/to put in
हंसना to laugh
वापस लौटना to come back /to return
चाहना to want
खोलना to open
कहना to say; to tell
खरीदना to buy
बेचना to sell
भेजना to send
(की) मदद करना to help
(का) इस्तेमाल करना to use
(का) इंतज़ाम करना to arrange
(का) इंतज़ार करना to wait
(की) कोशिश करना to try
शुरू करना to begin; to start
खत्म करना to finish
(से) इनकार करना to deny; to refuse
(से) मना करना to prohibit; to stop (doing something)
जल्दी करना to hurry
बंद करना to close
शुरू होना to be started
खत्म होना to be finished
साफ़ होना to be cleaned
देर होना to be late
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