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Distribution of climatic hazards


GCSE Geography (2 a) Global distributions ) Flashcards on Distribution of climatic hazards, created by Jess Molyneux on 19/10/2015.
Jess Molyneux
Flashcards by Jess Molyneux, updated more than 1 year ago
Jess Molyneux
Created by Jess Molyneux over 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Where (generally) do tropical storms form? Near the equator between the tropics
Over which oceans to tropical storms form? Indian Ocean (West of Australia) North Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean
Which areas are most prone to experience tropical storms? Caribbean region Central America South East Asia Indian subcontient
Which type of tropical storms are most common in these areas? Indian Ocean - Cyclones Caribbean region - Hurricanes Indian and Pacific Oceans - Typhoons
Describe the global distribution of drought. (Hint: Include examples of countries where possible) Most severe droughts found along equator Drought found on all continents North Africa (e.g. Sahel region, from Mauritania to Sudan) and West coast of South America (e.g. Chile) are worst affected
Describe the similarities between the global pattern of drought with the global distribution of available fresh water. Equator regions have most severe drought and least freshwater Majority with high freshwater supplies have low drought (excepting West coast of South America and Australasia) Both occur on all continents
Describe the differences between the global pattern of drought with the global distribution of available fresh water. Drought is more evenly spread globally
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