L11 Phrases


FSI Basic Slovene Flashcards on L11 Phrases, created by FSI Slovenian on 28/11/2022.
FSI Slovenian
Flashcards by FSI Slovenian, updated more than 1 year ago
FSI Slovenian
Created by FSI Slovenian almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mestni avtobus in taksi sta najboljši način gibanja po Ljubljani. Public (City) bus and taxi are the best way to get around Ljubljana.
Tega velikega in onega manjšega tam. This big one here and that smaller over there.
Škoda, da nisem bila tam. Too bad I wasn't there.
V soboto bi Smithovi in Puharjevi radi šli na ljubljanski trg, ki leži v starem mestu. On Saturday the smith and Puhars would like to go to Ljubljana food market, which is situated in the old city.
Plečnik je dal podobo sodobni tržnici, ki obsega več kot 13,000 m2. Plecnik gave the image the contemporary food market, which occupies more than 13.000 m2.
Znani so prodajalci sadja s Primorske, ki nudijo češnje, marelice in drugo sadje. Very well known are fruit sellers from Primorska, who offer cherries, apricots and other fruits.
A lahko dam še eno manjšo? Can I give another smaller one?
Tudi Puharjevi in Smithovi so srečali svoje znance, po nakupih pa so šli na kavo. Also Puhars and Smiths met their acquaintances and after shopping, they went for coffee.
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