Created by Camden Prather
about 2 years ago
Question | Answer |
La Pompa | ceremony |
El matrimonio | married couple |
Ahorrar | to save |
Pasar limitaciones | to exceed, surpass the limits |
Temprano | Early |
Asegurar | to ensure |
único | only |
Satisfecho | satisfied |
Van a la carrera | They go running around (completing errands) |
La libretica | notebook |
Anotado | written down |
Los asuntos pendientes | pending tasks |
Encargado | in charge |
El locutor | host, announcer |
Valer la pena | to be worth it |
Merecerse | to deserve |
El hijo varòn | male child, son |
El negocio | business |
Montar | to create |
El alquiler | rental |
Ostentoso | fancy, elegant |
Bastar | to be sufficient |
El calzado | footwear |
desembolsar | to fork over (spend money) |
La pareja | couple |
el grifo | draining |
La plata | slang for money (literally "silver") |
Mensualmente | monthly |
Tirar la casa por la ventana | to spend so much money (literally "throw the house out the window") |
Endeudarse | to go into debt |
Pedir prestado | to ask to borrow |
Empeñarse | to pawn |
La yerba mate | South American herb to make a beverage called "mate" |
rioplatense | originating from Río de la Plata region in SA |
El gusto | taste, flavor |
extranjero | foreigner |
quizás | perhaps |
"cebar" el mate | process to prepare yerba mate for consumption |
el litoral | costal region |
las hectáreas | unit of measurement for land |
la cosecha | crop |
el concurso | contest |
el sabor | flavor, taste |
guaraníes | referring to indigenous SA Guaraní people |
el recorrido | route |
la estancia | ranch |
rodeado | surrounded |
el sembradío | field |
el alojamiento | lodging |
la degustación | tasting, to taste |
el envasado | packaging |
la mandioca | yuca, cassava (like a potato) |
el pacú | large SA fish |
los alfajores | SA dessert |
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