Microsoft Commands and Features 1102-M1


Common Microsoft commands/features and what they do
Lyndsay Badding
Flashcards by Lyndsay Badding, updated more than 1 year ago
Lyndsay Badding
Created by Lyndsay Badding almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
chkdsk check disk check and correct drive errors, detects bad sectors, investigate app crashes and corrupted files
sfc sfc /scannow typing only "sfc" will show options - what type of scan? scan all protected system files, replace corrupt files with cached copy *is the "dxdiag" command*
Task Manager shows resource consumption
S.M.A.R.T. Self Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology included in HD, report on current status of HD, advanced notice of failure, compares to thresholds
mstsc.exe Microsoft Terminal Services connect and take control of another device, Remote Desktop app
regedit.exe Registry Editor show configuration entries, see & manipulate system config. settings
Disk Management monitor stats for attached drives create partitions, add drives, format drives, change drive letters, shrink & extend volumes, create software RAID, pool resources
exFAT Extensible File Allocation Table 64-bit file system, file names up to 255 char., optimized for flash drives, compatible with all major OSs
FAT32 File Allocation Table 32-bit max volume 4GB
FAT16 File Allocation Table 16-bit max volume 2GB, later revision to 4GB legacy
tracert use ping packets to gather route info, test connectivity
devmgmt.msc Device Management launch hardware devices from the command line or the control panel
dxdiag DirectX Diagnostic Tool investigate app crashes, graphic display issues, audio issues, and slow performance *is the "sfc" scan*
mmc.exe Microsoft Management Console advanced tools for managing desktops and servers
services.msc devices services - running or not change how device starts
msinfo32.exe Microsoft System Info info about local device
compmgmt.msc Computer Management see things like system performance to HD settings
Task Scheduler schedule tasks like updates and program scripts -batch files to compile reports
mdsched.exe Windows memory diagnostic tool used to check if RAM is failing, makes 2 passes very quickly
Event Viewer log for events & actions
PXE Pre-boot Execution Environment "pixie" boot boot OS from network F11 at bootup used for thin clients
perfmon.exe Performance Monitor monitors system resource usage
Device Manager see and control connected devices
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