Course 2 Vocab Review


Sandra Henao
Flashcards by Sandra Henao, updated more than 1 year ago
Sandra Henao
Created by Sandra Henao almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
observatory place to see a city
view to see the city; The view of Medellin from Palmas is beautiful.
Cuban a person or something that is from the country of Cuba
$7 seven dollars
likes to travel to have passion for traveling
same time same= no difference, identical
near something that is close; Viva is near the Envigado Metro Station.
day the morning and afternoon, when the sun is out
pasta spaghetti
Theme park or amusement park parks with rides and things to play; Disney and Parque Norte are theme/amusement parks.
rides machines in a park where you can sit and it moves you; a roller coaster is a ride, a Ferris wheel is a ride; Happy City in Viva has rides.
Free time the time you do not work or study, time where you can relax or do your favorite activities
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