Semantics and Syntax Key Terms


In order to understand any language, we must evaluate the grammar, syntax, and semantics of a language.
Amy Dang
Flashcards by Amy Dang, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy Dang
Created by Amy Dang almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Syntax The form of its expressions, statements, and program units
Semantics The meaning of the expressions, statements, and program units
Sentences The strings of a language. Ex. English: a string of characters form a word, and a string of words form a sentence.
Lexemes The lowest-level syntactic units such as its numeric literals, operators, and special words.
Identifiers A group of lexemes
Token The category of a group of lexemes
Metalanguage A language that is used to describe another language.
Backus-Naur Form (BNF) A metalanguage for programming languages. It is used to describe the syntax of programming languages.
Nonterminal (Symbols) Can have two or more distinct definitions, representing two or more possible syntactic forms in language.
Terminal (Symbols) The lexemes or tokens of the rules
Grammar A finite nonempty collection of rules
Recursion When a function calls upon itself. A rule is recursive if its LHS appears in its RHS. Ex. <ident_list> → identifier | identifier, <ident_list> <ident_list> appears on both sides.
Start Symbol A special nonterminal that begins the grammar. Ex. <program>
Derivation A repeated application of rules, starting with the start symbol and ending with a sentence (all terminal symbols).
Ambiguous A grammar is ambiguous if and only if it generates a sentential form that has two or more distinct parse trees.
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