African-origin words: contributions of Africa to language.


🌍 Happy Africa Day!🌍 Today, we honor the remarkable contributions of Africa to language and culture with our special collection of flashcards showcasing African-origin words! 🎉 On Africa Day, let's celebrate the linguistic connections between Africa and the English language. Embrace the beauty and diversity of African cultures through the captivating words that have enriched our daily conversations.
Andrea Pan
Flashcards by Andrea Pan, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrea Pan
Created by Andrea Pan almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Safari Originally from the Swahili word "safarī," meaning journey or expedition, it refers to a trip or adventure, often associated with wildlife exploration in Africa.
Banana Derived from the Wolof language spoken in Senegal, Gambia, and Mauritania.
Jumbo Originates from Swahili, meaning "chief" or "elephant." It is commonly used to describe something large or oversized.
Jazz This musical genre has roots in African American culture, specifically from African and African American musical traditions.
Zombie Originating from West African cultures, particularly in Vodun and Haitian Vodou, it refers to a reanimated corpse or a person under the control of a sorcerer.
Conga Derived from the Bantu language, it refers to a rhythmic Afro-Cuban dance and drumming style.
Yam Derived from West African languages, specifically from the Fulfulde word "nyami," it refers to a starchy tuberous root vegetable.
Voodoo Comes from the Fon language of West Africa, where it refers to a religion or spiritual practice.
Marimba Comes from the Bantu language as well, describing a musical instrument with wooden bars struck by mallets.
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