My own glosary


It is a brief of some terms used in education
Ricardo Haro Calero
Flashcards by Ricardo Haro Calero, updated 11 months ago
Ricardo Haro Calero
Created by Ricardo Haro Calero 11 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1. Paidología Study of children's play.
2. Pedagogía Science of education
3. Hebegogía Education of adolescents.
4. Andragogía Education of adults.
5. Ergología: Study of human work.
6. Paragogía: education in pairs.
7. Heutagogía: Self-directed learning.
8. Didáctica: Art of teaching.
9. Didáctica Digital: Teaching with digital technology.
10. Alumno: Person who learns.
14. Aprender: Acquire knowledge or skills.
15. Aprendibilidad: Capacity to learn.
11. Estudiante: Person who studies.
12. Aprendiz: Person in the process of learning.
13. Aprendiente: Person who is learning.
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