Created by Shanti Woolcock
about 1 year ago
Question | Answer |
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Modiolus: Cartilage at the corner of mouth attachments point for muscles |
what is the points called on the corners of each eye | lateral canthus, medial canthus |
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Occipitofrontalis Attachments: from occipital to gala aponeurotica to frontal bone N: facial nerve A: Draws the scalp posteriorly, elevation of the eyebrows |
Temporopartietalis attachments: No boney attachments/ attaches from fascia to the lateral border of the gala aponeurotica A: elevates the ear, tightens the fascia, Nerve: facial nerve | |
Auricularis Group Auricularis superior: elevates the ear Auricularis Ant: Draws the ear anteriorly Auricularis Post: Draws the ear posteriorly Posterior : temporal bone to ear Anterior/ sup: galea aponeurotica to the superior ear Nerve: facial | |
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Orbicularis oculi Action: closes the eyeball Attachments: encircles the eye Nerve: Facial |
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levator palpebrae superioris Attachments : sphenoid to the upper eyelid Nerve : occulomotor nerve/ cranial nerve 3 Deep in socket of sphenoid bone |
corrugator supercilia Attaches from the inferior frontal bone to the fascia deep to eyebrow. Nerve: facial | |
Procerus Fascia and skin over the nasal bone to the skin medial to the eyebrow Wrinkles the skin of the nose upward and draws down the medial eyebrow N: facial | |
Nasalis flares the nostrils/ constrict the nose Attaches from the maxilla to the alar cartilage of the nose N: facial | |
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Levator labii superioris Maxilla to the upper lip and nose elevates the upper lip and flares the nostril N: Facial |
Levator labii superioris Maxilla to the upper lip Elevates the upper lip N: facial nerve | |
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Zygomaticus minor Zygomatic bone to the upper lip Elevate the lip Facial Nerve |
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Zygomatics major Attaches from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth elevates the angle of the mouth facial nerve |
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Levator Anguli oris Attaches from maxilla to angle of the mouth elevates the angle of the mouth facial nerve |
Risorius attaches from the fascia masseter to the angle of the mouth Draws laterally the angle of the mouth Facial nerve | |
Depressor Anguli oris Mandible to the angle of the mouth Depress the angle of the mouth Facial nerve | |
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Depressor labii inferioris Mandible to lower lip Depresses the lower lip Facial n |
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Mentalis mandible to facsia of the chin elevates the lower lip, protracts the lip facial nerve |
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Buccinator Maxilla to the mandible to the lips compresses the cheak Fascial nerve |
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Orbicularis oris entirely surrounds the mouth closes the mouth, protracts the lips facial nerve |
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Platysma Subcutaneous fascia of the chest to the mandible and subcutaneous fascia of the lower face Draws up the skin of the superior chest and neck, creating ridges of the chest and neck Facial nerve |
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