Eating at a restaurant


A list of words associated with eating out
Shaun Murphy
Flashcards by Shaun Murphy, updated 6 months ago
Shaun Murphy
Created by Shaun Murphy 6 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
WAITER A person who serves food and drinks at a restaurant.
ALLERGY A negative reaction or sensitivity to certain substances, often food.
SPICY Having a strong, hot flavor.
CHECK The bill for the meal; the amount of money to be paid.
RESERVATION An arrangement to have a table available at a restaurant at a specific time.
SHELLFISH Seafood with a shell, such as crabs, lobsters, and shrimp.
SEAFOOD Edible marine creatures, including fish and shellfish.
APPETISER A small dish served before the main course to stimulate the appetite.
MAINS The main course or primary dish of a meal.
DESSERT Sweet food served at the end of a meal.
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