Quality Management


PMQ long flash cards Flashcards on Quality Management, created by Anna Farrow on 19/01/2024.
Anna Farrow
Flashcards by Anna Farrow, updated 11 months ago More Less
Anna Farrow
Created by Anna Farrow 12 months ago
Anna Farrow
Copied by Anna Farrow 12 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Quality Management: Two Differences Quality Assurance & Control C1.1a: Quality Plan Reviews / Audits - Independent, Validate, Assure - SOPs, Feedback, Training - Reporting Adherence to Board Audits & reviews independent of project, unbiased view, reporting to proj board. Build in Q thru' consistent use of SOPs + by training and feedback. QA starts at Proj starts. Assess, compare & validate quality processes V req' standard methods & QP = assurance of correct mgmt reflecting B/Case. Risks/Issues revealed.
Quality Management: Two Differences Quality Assurance & Control C1.1b: Resource Skills Audits (Int ernal) - Internal to team - Preventing Problems Being Passed On Quality Control can be carried out by a member of the project team and focused on preventing problems being passed on to the internal or external customer.
Quality Management: Two Differences Quality Assurance & Control C1.2: Resource Skills Audits - SME Skilled & Stretch - Gaps & Risks - Assurance, Quality Plan Criteria SME resources assigned by team manager; could be skilled or stretch assignment. Latter need coaching & guidance. Audits highlight skill gaps for risk assessment. All=assurance of competency, meeting Quality Plan acceptance adherence. Also reduce risk as experience=fewer mistakes=cheaper
Quality Management: Three Aspects to be Considered when Quality Planning C2.1: Establish Standards & Objectives - Define, Establish, Meet Requirements - SME Standards, Minimum Viable Product & Maintenance - KPIs, Acceptance Criteria, Deliverables One of the primary purposes of quality planning is to define and establish the quality standards and objectives that the project must adhere to in order to meet the defined scope, stakeholder expectations and business operational standards. These can be identified through thorough investigation of Stakeholders requirements, documenting minimal to optimal viable quality standards. This also involves the Organisation's SME standards. Typically each SME group will have a set of standards outlining the minimum viable product required across their area of expertise and that they will be expected to support post-project. This involves identifying the key performance indicators, quality requirements, and acceptance criteria for the project's deliverables. By setting clear quality objectives, the project team can ensure that all project activities and outputs align with the desired level of quality, ultimately leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased project success.
Quality Management: Two Differences Quality Assurance & Control C2.2: Develop Q Ass & Control Processes - Develop & Implement Processes - Monitor & Evaluate - Identify Issues Early QP develops& implements Q assurance and control processes, helping maintain req'd level of quality inc designing/ selecting appropriate QM tools, methods & techniques to monitor and evaluate performance vs Q standards. This IDs Q issues early, enabling corrections thus deliverables meet the QA/QP, reducing risk of rework, delays, and additional costs.
Quality Management: Two Differences Quality Assurance & Control C2.3: Testing Criteria - Agreed Test Plans & Protocols - Equipment & People - Pass/Fail Criteria Quality planning efforts will agree test plans including ie: sample size of testing (all or a random percentage), test protocols including expertise levels, operational team members (inc third party if required), equipment/software and set pass/fail criteria
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