media industry


GCSE imedia Flashcards on media industry, created by Joshua Dunphy on 02/02/2024.
Joshua Dunphy
Flashcards by Joshua Dunphy, updated more than 1 year ago
Joshua Dunphy
Created by Joshua Dunphy about 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what are the 3 stages of production pre-production production post production
what are the two media sectors traditional media new media
what is traditional media media using industry's that existed before computers and the internet
what are the 4 versions of traditional media film tv radio print publishing
what is new media media created with of for the use of computers or the internet
what are the 4 versions of new media computer games interactive media the internet digital publishing
name 5 media products video animation audio music print ebooks
what is augmented reality (AR) lay a image, text or animation over a live background
what is virtual reality (VR) a 360 video or virtual world viewed through a headset
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