media industries


GCSE Media Studies Flashcards on media industries, created by Shantie Smith on 02/02/2024.
Shantie Smith
Flashcards by Shantie Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Shantie Smith
Created by Shantie Smith about 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what are four examples of traditional media film, radio, print publishing, and tele
what are four examples of new media computer games, interactive media, internet, digital publishing
what are some media products video, animation, music, audio, print, ebooks, etc
what are the three stages of media production pre-production, production, post-production
give some examples of a technical job role camera operator, audio technician, web developer
give some examples of a creative job role graphic designer, content creator, photographer
give some examples of a senior job role editor, campaign manager, director
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Camera Angles
Marketing and Distributing
Shannon Clarke
Silent Films
Joanna MacQueen
Week 2: Multimedia Learning Theories and Instructional Design: A Synthesis of Reading By: Jen Bosler
How close is spoken language to digital media communication?
Emily Newman
General Digital Use & Development
The Hollywood Studios
digital media
Digital Media and Environmental Sustainability
Lewis Hainey
The Independent Press Standards organisation (IPSO)
esther adasonla