GLS - sayings


Flashcards on GLS - sayings, created by Oliver Jaan Trembos on 25/04/2024.
Oliver Jaan Trembos
Flashcards by Oliver Jaan Trembos, updated 11 months ago
Oliver Jaan Trembos
Created by Oliver Jaan Trembos 11 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
from a wealthy family born with a silver spoon in your mouth
not relying on ST before it happens dont count your chickens before theyre hatched
prepared if you know it forewarned is forearmed
must be reason for this rumour theres no smoke without fire
we might know if its true in the future only time will tell
can be happy if not knowing the truth ignorance is bliss
follow customs when in Rome, do as the Romans do
similar people spending time together birds of a feather flock together
better to do st after the deadline better late than never
in order you come first come, first served
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