
basic vocab (suffix, prefix, vocab) for NREMT
Emily Kyrk
Flashcards by Emily Kyrk, updated 8 months ago
Emily Kyrk
Created by Emily Kyrk 8 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
cardi heart
hepat liver
nephr kidney
neur nerves
psych mind
thorac chest
ped children
my/o muscle
oste/o bone
gyn/o female
cardi/ology study of heart
hepatitis inflammation of liver
nephrology study of kidney function
neurologic pertaining to nerves
psychologist specialist in the study of mind
thoracic pertaining to the chest
pediatric pertaining to children
myopathy disease of muscle
ostitis inflammation of bone
gynecologist specialist in female
hydr/o water
hydrocephalus CSF that accumulates in the brain causing swelling
febr fever
febrile showing the symptoms of a fever
enter/o small intestine
gastroenterology study of stomach and small intestine
gastr/o stomach
gastrologist specialist in stomach
glyc/o sugar
glucose a simple sugar which is an important energy source in living and is a component of many carbohydrates
cytes cells
thrombocyte another term for a blood platelet
hyper over, high
hypo under, low
tachy fast, rapid
brady slow
pre before
post after
hypertension high bp
hypoglycemia low blood sugar
tachycardia fast HR
bradycardia slow HR
prelabor before labor
postpartum after birth
al pertaining to
algia pain
ectomy surgical removal of
ic pertaining to
itis inflammation of
logy study of
logist specialist
cardial pertaining to the heart
myalgia muscle pain
appendectomy surgical removal of appendix
psychotic pertaining to mind
nephritis inflammation of kidneys
gastrology study of stomach
pathologist specialist in study of disease
pnea breathing
(A) without
megaly enlargement
oma tumor (refers to cancer)
pathy disease
tachypnea fast breathing
(a)pnea not breathing
cardiomegaly enlargement of heart
lymphoma cancer of lymphatic system
nephropathy disease of kidney
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