WeiLan Summer 2024 (Vancouver)


Flashcards on WeiLan Summer 2024 (Vancouver), created by Stephanie Georgilas on 24/06/2024.
Stephanie Georgilas
Flashcards by Stephanie Georgilas, updated 7 months ago
Stephanie Georgilas
Created by Stephanie Georgilas 9 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Oregon has many ________ in its mountains. cascade def. a small waterfall, typically one of several that fall in stages down a steep rocky slope.
There are many ______ in the world. primate def. a family of animals that includes monkeys, apes, and humans.
His son did not go to college and is now a ________. carpenter def. a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures.
An elephant's ______ is vital to its protection. tusk def. a long, pointed tooth, especially one specially developed so as to protrude from the closed mouth, as in the elephant, walrus, or wild boar.
My dad drives a ________. sedan def. a four door car
The ice pack will _________ her swollen ankle. alleviate def. make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
I am _______ about the hot dog sandwich debate. ambivalent def. having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
I chose to _______ the philosophy of who own knowledge. analyze def. examine methodically and in detail the constitution of something, typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
The two restaurants _______ because one delivers and one does not. contrast def. to compare the differences between things
__________ car insurance is the best one to get. comprehensive def. complete; including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.
It's important not to take _______ notes. cursory def. rapidly and often superficially performed or produced; hasty
Protestors often _________ in their causes. dissent def. hold or express opinions that are different with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.
There are many _______ in the Amazon. amphibian def. a cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders.
Some stocks can be very ________. lucrative def. producing a great deal of profit
The doctor carries a _______ around their neck. stethoscope def. a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart or breathing, typically having a small disk-shaped resonator that is placed against the chest, and two tubes connected to earpieces.
She tried to explain chess, but it was all _______ to me. incoherent def. lacking normal clarity or intelligibility in speech or thought
The ______ between the two girls was beneficial. rapport def. a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.
Most cars weigh at least a ______. ton def. 2, 000 pounds
Typewriters, computer monitors, and landline telephones are all _______. obsolete def. no longer in use or no longer useful
Many soccer players have been accused of _______ their injuries. feign def. to give a false appearance of
It was ___________ that the devil destroyed the room. implausible def. not having the appearance of truth or credibility
They climbed to the _____ of Mt. Kilimanjaro. zenith def. the high point
There were many _______ who would steal horses in the Wild West. bandit def. a thief, especially one in the cowboy era
Don't ________ the leftover Thanksgiving food! squander def. to waste
Karen was quite the _______ and didn't trust many people. cynic def. a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons.
The Oregon Trail museum has a couple __________ on display. stagecoach def. a large closed horse-drawn vehicle formerly used to carry passengers and often mail along a regular route between two places.
After a big fight, the two girls _________ by apologizing. reconcile def. to make amends, or make up
On a 400 meter sprint, the girl began to _______ toward the end. falter def. start to lose strength or momentum.
He was in ________ over choosing to attend his dream school if it meant being in lifelong debt. turmoil def. a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
She was _______ after the teacher publicly shamed her for cheating. mortify def. cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of.
Many people _________ to the effects of COVID. succumb def. die from the effect of a disease or injury.
It is vital that judges are _________ in their jobs. impartial def. treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just.
The graphic artist will ______ her main character as a robot. depict def. to represent by or as if by painting or other visual image
The sign was ________ to the messy man. pertinent def. pertaining or relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand; relevant:
The principal ________ the student for behaving poorly. admonish def. warn or reprimand someone firmly.
Recent turbulent times has caused much _______ in the streets. anarchy def. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority or other controlling systems.
The ______ has tusks. walrus a pinniped, or fin-footed mammal, and is related to seals and sea lions.
The land was ______ of water. dearth scarcity that makes dear; lacking.
During his speech he began to _______ and talk about other irrelevant issues. digress leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing
The narrator of the story was _________. omnipotent def. all knowing
The collegian was a ________ of unions. proponent def. a person who puts forward a proposition or proposal
The judge's __________ sentence included a large fine. punitive def. inflicting or intending as punishment
Because he could drive to the beach, he _______ the issue by taking the bus. circumvent def. to find a way around (an obstacle)
The detective could not locate the _______ robber. elusive def. hard to grasp or catch
The shapes are _________. irregular not even or balanced in shape or arrangement.
The farmers are __________ the fields to grow lettuce. cultivating prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening.
Oregon has many ________ forests. coniferous relating to or part of trees or shrubs bearing cones and evergreen leaves
The shape of a red blood cell is not _______, but rather concave. convex having an outline or surface curved like the exterior of a circle or sphere.
I currently feel _________ by school because I have many assignments to do. encumbered weigh down, burden.
The deeper into the ocean you go, the more ________ it becomes. obscure not discovered or known about; uncertain.
The birth of her baby is _______, because she is 9 months pregnant. imminent about to happen.
The mother and daughter were _______ due to differing beliefs. estrange cause (someone) to be no longer close or affectionate to someone; alienate.
There is a ________ in the pay between men and women. disparity lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference: a disparity in age; disparity in rank.
I need to _______ my shipping so that it arrives on time. expedite make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.
The guy was acting _________ towards the wimpy new kid. belligerent hostile and aggressive.
There were many _________ charges on her card, so she froze it. fraudulent given to or using fraud, as a person; cheating; dishonest.
Cocaine is an _____ drug. illicit not allowed by law: unlawful or illegal.
Many parents ______ the idea of their children smoking. deplore feel or express strong disapproval of (something).
The birthday party was _______ on the weather remaining sunny. contingent subject to chance.
It was an _________ decision to go get ice cream after finishing a big shopping spree. impetuous acting or done quickly and without thought or care.
He ________ his duty of dog ownership due to financial reasons. relinquish voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up.
He set his glass _______ on the edge of the coffee table. precarious not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.
Choosing the right number in the Lotto would be a _________ event. fortuitous def. happening by accident or by chance
The __________ is very opposed to conflicting ideals. zealot def. a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals.
Doctors are hoping for a ________ for cancer. panacea def. a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
The teacher was ______ and let her students retake the difficult test. lax def. not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful.
She made a ________ decision when she broke up with her boyfriend. unilateral (of an action or decision) performed by or affecting only one person, group, or country involved in a particular situation, without the agreement of another or the others.
Military officials are often very ___________. stringent def. strict, precise, and exacting
There are many _________ found in literature to make a point or show a meaning. analogy def. a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification
Sailors and shipping docks are all part of _________ culture. maritime def. connected with the sea (usually in a commercial or military sense)
Her impolite behavior at the restaurant was ________. repugnant def. extremely distasteful; unacceptable
The man's alibi __________ him. vindicate def. clear (someone) of blame or suspicion
Campaigning, rallies, sings, and are ads all help _______ a candidate. bolster def. support or strengthen; prop up
After losing his job, the man fell into a ______ pattern of tv binging and eating. static def. lacking in movment, action, or change,
The ________ two year old refused to listen to dad. recalcitrant def. having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline.
After years of wear, the rope appeared ___________. tenuous def. very weak or slight
A ________ was formed by students to champion for less homework. coalition def. two or more people or groups temporarily work together to achieve a common goal
The troubled boy had a ________ for violence. propensity def. an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way
The employee earned ______ for her accomplished deals. accolade def. a mark of acknowledgment or award
She has an ________ toward bananas. aversion def. a strong dislike or disinclination
Her _________ friend showed no reaction when she told her she lost her job. callous def. feeling or showing no sympathy for others
The _________ neighbors brought over pie. amicable def. friendly and neighborly
Using _______ thinking can help you "think outside the box." abstract existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
They were working _________ on an important task. assiduous showing great care and perseverance.
The tired coworker gave a ________ greeting in the morning. perfunctory (of an action or gesture) carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection.
It is an _______ to see a white squirrel. anomaly something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
The reckless boy ________ hit someone else. indiscriminate def. done at random or without careful judgment
Kamala Harris will need _________ to earn a nomination. constituent def. being a voting member of a community or organization and having the power to appoint or elect.
Employers do not want ________ employees. indolent def. wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy.
An umpire's job is to _________ between two teams. intercede def. intervene on behalf of another
The mom _________ the three year old after he scratched the other kid. chastise def. rebuke or reprimand severely
There were _________ books to choose from at the library. copious def. abundant in supply or quantity
It is important to be __________ of climate change. cognizant def. having knowledge or being aware of
There is usually much ______ at protest. clamor def. a loud and confused noise, especially that of people shouting vehemently
The caterpillar had a beautiful ___________. metamorphosis def. the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages.
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