Spanish 2 Unit 3 Lesson 5


Healthy/Unhealthy Vocab, Misc. Words
Lucas Callahan
Flashcards by Lucas Callahan, updated 10 days ago
Lucas Callahan
Created by Lucas Callahan 10 days ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
healthy saludable
stay active mantenerse activo, mantenerse activa
healthy nutrition la alimentación saludable
stay in shape mantenerse en forma
eat small portions comer porciones pequeñas
so much grease tanta grasa
so much candy tantos dulces
have strength tener fuerza
lose weight bajar de peso
gain weight subir de peso
your mind la mente
therapist el terapeuta, la terapeuta
manage emotions manejar las emociones
be happy estar contento, estar contenta
stress el estrés
be sad estar triste
diet la dieta
energy la energía
bite Morder
elimate elimina
ginger jengibre
alleviate alivia
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