Messages with tell and ask


Give someone a message using modals and the verbs tell and ask.
Delil Zúñiga
Flashcards by Delil Zúñiga, updated 4 months ago
Delil Zúñiga
Created by Delil Zúñiga 4 months ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
receiver: the teacher message: I'll be late. Could you tell... Could you tell the teacher (that) I'll be late?
receiver: Hector message: Wash the dishes. Can you please ask... Can you please ask Hector/him to wash the dishes?
receiver: the president message: Legalize marijuana. Please, ask ... Please, ask the president (him/her) to legalize the marijuana.
receiver: Mr. Ramírez message: I washed his car yesterday. Would you tell... Would you tell Mr. Ramírez/him (that) I washed his car yesterday?
receiver: Ramon message: I am not going home after work. Could you tell... Could you tell Ramon/him (that) I'm not going home after work?
receiver: Mom message: The clothes on the sofa aren't dirty. Would you tell... Would you tell mom/her (that) the clothes on the sofa aren't dirty?
receiver: Poncho and Frank message: Shut up! Tell... Tell Poncho and Frank/them to shut up!
receiver: Dad message: I'm going to go to a party tonight. Can you tell... Can you tell Dad/him (that) I'm going to go to a party tonight?
receiver: Maria Fernanda message: Lend me your glasses. Would you ask... Would you ask Maria Fernanda/her to lend me her glasses?
receiver: Omar message: Don't talk to Dany. Tell... Tell Omar not to talk to Dany.
receiver: students message: Open your books on page 23. Could you ask... Could you ask the students/them to open their books on page 23?
receiver: clients message: The store will close in 10 minutes. Would you please tell... Would you please tell the clients/them (that) the store will close in 10 minutes?
receiver: my brother message: There's some chicken in the fridge. Tell... Tell my brother/him (that) there's some chicken in the fridge.
receiver: Milca message: I haven't finished my homework yet. Could you please tell... Could you please tell Milca/her (that) I haven't finished my homework?
receiver: the chef message: There was a fly in my soup. Can you tell... Can you tell the chef/him-her (that) there was a fly in my soup?
receiver: the children message: Eat all the vegetables! Ask... Ask the children/them to eat all the vegetables!
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