Chemestry C1


Flashcards on Chemestry C1, created by Cameron- on 05/12/2015.
Flashcards by Cameron-, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Cameron- over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Atoms Atoms are madeup of 2 different parts, electrons and the nucleus.The nucleus contains protons and neutrons. Protons are positive, electrons are negative and neutrons have a neutral charge. No. of protons = No. of electrons.
Atom infomation from the periodic table The number of prorons is the atomix number. The mass number is the number of protons + the number of neutrons
Arrangement of electrons in atoms Shell 1 holds 2 electrons. Shell 2 holds 8 electrons. Shell 4 holds 8. When drawing atoms the electrons are grouped in twos once 4 electrons have been placed on the shell.
Limestone Uses Made of calcium carbomate. Formed from remains of animals over millions of years Powered limestone can be mxed with clay to create cement. When cement is mixed with water, sand and crushed rock a chemical reaction happens producing concrete
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