cpu flash card


Flashcards on cpu flash card , created by Savannha foxx on 04/01/2016.
Savannha foxx
Flashcards by Savannha foxx , updated more than 1 year ago
Savannha foxx
Created by Savannha foxx about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what would be some examples of an output device ? Speakers , printers , ear phones
What would be some examples of an input device ? Microphone , keyboard , mouse
what are some examples of storage devices ? Memory stick , hard disk drive , sd card
What does CPU stand for ? Central processing unit
What is the main purpose of the CPU ? Fetch , code and execute instructions continuously
What does it mean if a CPU has a clock speed of 1GHz ? It can do 1 billion calculations
What does 1GHz mean ? 1 Billion gigahertz
What is the cycle of the processor follows ? Fetch - Decode - Execute
Explain the process of fetch,decode and execute cycle Counts programs and hold address in ram it fetches instructions to the main memory
What is clock speed ? It relates to the number of instructions carried out per second
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