Sociology GCSE AQA Education - Flash Cards


GCSE Sociology GCSE (Sociology GCSE - Education) Flashcards on Sociology GCSE AQA Education - Flash Cards, created by Azidic Arcturus on 05/01/2016.
Azidic Arcturus
Flashcards by Azidic Arcturus, updated more than 1 year ago
Azidic Arcturus
Created by Azidic Arcturus about 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
Sociology GCSE AQA Education Flip card for table of contents. Table of Contents - Educational roles of schools - The formal and informal (hidden) curriculum - The history of education - Other schools: Faith and home schools - Social class, gender, and ethnicity on education
The economic role Schools are to meet the needs of the economy, and to teach students the skills and experiences required by industries in order to fulfill this. For example, in ICT, you are taught how to build a PC.
The selective role Schools allocate students to the jobs they're best suited to. For example, the best students get the best possible jobs, whereas less academically able students have less choice.
The socialisation role Schools teach people the norms and values of our culture. For example, in primary school, they teach the British norm of eating with a fork and knife, and a British value to respect people with higher authority.
The political role Schools teach people how to become effective citizens to create social solidarity (support across all people in the school) e.g. having good manners, discouraging racial discrimination etc.
Social control role Schools have rules that are for the good of all people. For example, when students do good, they will get rewards that encourage them to do better, whereas students that are bad get detentions to discourage them from being bad.
The formal curriculum Academic/vocational subjects that are taught as a form of qualification. For example, Maths GCSE, Sociology A level, IT Level 3 Diploma.
The hidden curriculum Things that you're taught within a school environment outside or beyond specific subjects. For example, peers may allocate you into your gender role, where they may make fun of you for taking e.g. a girly subject like Beauty when you're a boy.
=== THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION === Pre-1870 In this period, education was not formally organised. Upper class children were brought into fee-paying private schools or are taught at home.
1870 Education Act Education at this time is formally organised, where the government promised free and compulsory education for everyone. However, upper and middle classes still have to pay for school, where as the working class don't.
1944 Butler Education Act Introduced selective education through the tripartite system, where primary school students take the 11+ plus test If they passed the test, they go to a grammar school, or if they failed the test, they go to a secondary modern. An alternative choice was the technical college. Free education.
1965 Comprehensive Education Labour Introduced bringing potential students within their local catchment area and bringing them in to the same, free school. 90% of students have been sent to this kind of school.
1988 Education Reform Act Introduced marketisation of education, making schools more competitive and selling themselves e.g. their academic status.
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