Chapter 8 (F)


Flashcards on Chapter 8 (F), created by zainifa on 11/04/2013.
Flashcards by zainifa, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zainifa almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1: His father wanted to encourage chandra's technological skills (technology) 1:His father wanted to encourage chandra in technology.
2:He hoped that chandra would one day become a recognized expert in computers (expertise) 2:He hoped that chandra would one day to expertise in computers
3:His father was poor, but he found ways to earn enough money to buy the young boy a computer when he was only four years old (Resourceful or resources) 3:His father was poor, but he found resources to earn enough money to buy young boy a computer when he was only four years old.
4:When he was 11 and a student at a university in Madras, the goverment of India honored chandra because he was very knowledgeable about the technology related to computer network security. (expertise or expert) 4;When he was 11 and a student at a university in Madras,the goverment of India honored chandra because he was very expert about the technology related to computer network security.
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