COM 230 Final Concepts


Flashcards on COM 230 Final Concepts, created by alwaysblonde225 on 12/12/2013.
Flashcards by alwaysblonde225, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alwaysblonde225 about 11 years ago

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Aristotle's Five Cannons of Rhetoric 1) Invention 2) Arrangement 3) Style 4) Delivery 5) Memory
Assumptions of the Narrative Paradigm 1) Humans are storytellers 2) Decision - Making & communication are based on good reasons 3) Good reasons are determined by issues 4) Rationality is based in people's awareness
Three Types of Coherence 1) structural - flow 2) material - degree of congruence 3) characterological - believability of characters
Criticisms of the Narrative Paradigm 1) broad 2) testability
Assumptions of Cultivation Analysis 1) underscores the uniqueness of TV in the media 2) TV is a storyteller 3) TV shapes our society's way of thinking 4) The influence of TV is limited
Four Steps of Cultivation Analysis 1) conduct a message 2) formulate questions about viewer's social realities 3) ask viewers about TV exposure 4) compare social realities of light & heavy viewers
PAT Coding Scheme P - perpetrator - person acting violently A - aggressive act - kind of violence T - Target - recipient of violence
First and Second Order of Cultivation Effects First Order - Learning new facts Second Order - hypotheses
Criticisms of Cultivation Analysis 1) utility 2) test of time
Catharsis living vicariously through violence; less likely to act violent
Desensitization more exposure to violence; less sensitive
Social Learning Theory media violence makes us violent
Difference between Disinhibition and Desensitation Disinhibition reduces how we perform violent behaviors, while Desensitization makes us less sensitive to seeing it
Model of Social Learning 1) Behavior of the model must be copied 2) Behavior must be retained 3) Behavior could be produced depending on certain factors
Criticisms of Media Effect Theories 1) SLT - utility 2) Catharsis - test of time & parsimonious 3) Desensitization - parsimonious
Schramm's Fraction of Selection expected rewards/expected effort ex: horror movie at the theatre vs movie at home
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Bottom to Top) 1) Biological/Physical 2) Security/Safety 3) Social/Belonging 4) Ego/Self-Respect *5) Self-Acutalization (few people get here)
McQuail's Media Use Typologies 1) diversion from daily problems 2) personal relationship with media 3) personal identity psychology 4) surveillance, how media can help accomplish goals
Types of Audience Activity 1) Utility - media has uses 2) Intentionality - prior motivation influences TV 3) Selectivity - media can reflect interests 4) Imperviousness - construct own meaning from context
Types of Politeness Strategies 1) Bald on Record - no face protection 2) Positive Politeness - attempts to minimize threats to positive face 3) Negative Politeness - appeal to one's desire for autonomy 4) Indirect (off-record) - avoid threatening all faces
Conflict Management Strategies 1) Avoiding 2) Obliging - passive 3) Compromising 4) Dominating
Process of Silencing 1) Ridicule 2) Ritual 3) Harassment
Criticisms of MGT 1) lack of utility 2) heurism 3) test of time
Forms of Overaccomodation 1) Sensory - adapts to limited (blind) 2) Dependency - assigns listener lower-status role 3) Intergroup - lump listeners into big group
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