

Natural and human processes which cause drought
Jess Molyneux
Flashcards by Jess Molyneux, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Jess Molyneux
Created by Jess Molyneux about 9 years ago
Jess Molyneux
Copied by Jess Molyneux about 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
What is a drought? A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall leading to a shortage of water.
List some issues associated with a lack of rainfall. (Hint: there are eight) Risk of drought Lower crop yield Bans imposed Reduced river flow Reservoirs at low level More allergens, dust and dirt in air Death of plants Increase in dirty water (LEDCs)
List some natural and physical causes of drought. (Hint: there are three) Weather Global warming El Nino
How does weather cause drought? (Hint: there are two ways) Increased amount of anticyclonic (hot and dry) weather means that the air hold less moisture - so less rain In hotter weather there is more evaporation than precipitation
How does global warming cause drought? Weather patterns change (e.g. regions become hotter and drier)
What is El Nino and how does it cause drought? (Bonus: give an example) A random weather event which reverses normal weather patterns (e.g. years of drought then years of flooding)
List some human causes of drought. (Hint: there are six) Overpopulation Over-cultivation Over-extraction Deforestation Politics Enhanced global warming
How does overpopulation cause drought? Too many people living in an area may require more water than the area has
How does over-cultivation cause drought? Planting too many crops or rearing too many cattle (water intensive) uses an excess of water
How does over-extraction cause drought? Removing too much water from wells causes them to dry out
How does deforestation cause drought? Cuts down trees which store water and hold soil together
How can politics be linked to drought? Rivers and other natural features do not follow the political boundaries Disputes over water and greed
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