Tropical storms


Features of and conditions needed for tropical storms to form
Jess Molyneux
Flashcards by Jess Molyneux, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Jess Molyneux
Created by Jess Molyneux about 9 years ago
Jess Molyneux
Copied by Jess Molyneux about 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Question Answer
What is meant by the term 'tropical storm'? System of winds rotating inwards towards an area of low pressure Warm, moist air drawn in - down droughts of cool, dry air Formed over tropical oceans with correct conditions
Give the minimum dimensions of a tropical storm. 100 km wide 13+ km high
Describe the conditions needed for a tropical storm to form. (Hint: there are 3) Open tropical oceans Sun (heats to 27 C) 60m deep water
How does a tropical storm form? (Hint: there are 3 stages) Warm, moist, fast moving air creates an area of low pressure (the eye) It rises then evaporates to form clouds or drops back down The eye draws in more air
Describe a cross section of a hurricane. (Hint: there are 5 points) Calm eye in the centre with eye wall Surrounded by bands of clouds (carry rain) Down droughts of dry air Warm, moist air is drawn in and rises Circling winds (up to 200m/h)
What is 'tropical depression'? The combination of the upper level and surface winds in ocean storms
Describe the movement of the winds of a tropical storm. (Hint: there are 2 points) Speed usually exceeds 74 mph Anti-clockwise in Northern Hemisphere
What are the key features of a tropical storm? (Hint: there are 4) Calm, central eye Strong winds Driving rain Killer waves / storm surges
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