Parietal Lobes Flashcards


PSYB65 Flashcards on Parietal Lobes Flashcards, created by andreaarose on 17/12/2013.
Flashcards by andreaarose, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by andreaarose about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Subdivisions of the parietal lobes Postcentral gyrus, superior parietal lobule, parietal operculum, supramarginal gyrus and angular gyrus.
Inferior parietal lobule Supramarginal gyrus and angular gyrus.
Anterior zones Process somatic sensations and perceptions - somatosensory cortex.
Posterior zones Integrate information from vision with somatosensory information for movement - posterior parietal cortex.
Object recognition Spatial information is used as viewer centered object identification - posterior parietal cortex
Guidance of movement Spatial information is sensitive to eye movements - posterior parietal cortex.
Cognitive spatial map Route knowledge, unconscious knowledge of how to reach a destination
Symptoms that do not fit with the visuomotor view of the parietal lobe Difficulties with arithmetic, certain aspects of language, and movement sequences
Acalculia Inability to do arithmetic in parietal lobe patients, might result from the spatial properties of addition and subtraction
Language Words have spatial organization - tap vs. pat.
Movement sequencing Individual elements of the movement have a spatial organization
Lesions to the postcentral gyrus Abnormally high sensory thresholds, impaired position sense, deficits in stereognosis, or tactile perception
Astereognosis Inability to recognize an object by touch
Simultaneous extinction Two stimuli are applied simultaneously to opposite sides of the body, failure to report a stimulus on one side is referred to as extinction
Contralateral neglect Neglect for visual, auditory, and somesthetic stimulation on one side of the body or space
Recovering from contralateral neglect Patients go through allesthesia then simultaneous extinction.
Allesthesia Respond to the neglected stimuli as if they were on the other side of the body or space.
Lesions and contralateral neglect Lesion most often in the right inferior parietal lobe - right intraparietal sulcus and the right angular gyrus
Object recognition and lobe damage After right parietal lobe lesions patients are poor at recognizing objects in unfamiliar views
Apraxia Movement disorder in which the loss of movement is not caused by weakness, inability to move, abnormal muscle tone, intellectual deterioration, poor comprehension, or other disorders of movement
Ideomotor apraxia Cannot copy serial movements, associated with left parietal lesions
Constructional apraxia Cannot copy pictures, build puzzles, or copy a series of facial movements, associated with right and left parietal lesions
Deficits in drawing Appear after damage to the right parietal lobe
Spatial attention Function of the parietal lobe to selectively attend to different stimuli
Disengagement Shifting attention from one stimulus to the next
Mental rotation Requires mental imaging of the stimulus and manipulation of the image.
Spatial cognition and left hemisphere deficit Result from the inability to generate the image
Spatial cognition and right hemisphere deficit Result from the inability to manipulate the image
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