Managing volcanic hazards


Revision notes on the measures and methods in place to protect people and property from the impact of volcanic hazards
Jess Molyneux
Flashcards by Jess Molyneux, updated more than 1 year ago
Jess Molyneux
Created by Jess Molyneux about 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Question Answer
Why might individuals decide to live close to volcanoes despite the risk? (Hint: there are 4) Fertile soil - rich harvests Sentimentality / lack of alternative Geothermal energy Tourism
Why is the soil near volcanoes so fertile? Ash from previous eruptions makes it mineral rich
Why would tourism be a factor which persuades people to stay? (Hint: there are 2 points) Volcanoes attract millions of tourists annually This creates jobs in hotels, gift shops, as tour guides
How can scientists calculate which volcanoes are particularly risky? (Hint: there are 7) Past patterns Active in recent years Seismometers Thermal imaging Satellite cameras Chemical sensors Ground water measurement
What do seismometers do? (Hint: how is this helpful?) Detect small earthquakes (caused by magma rising up through small cracks in the crust) which are more frequent closer to an eruption
How can seismic activity prior to an eruption be explained? (Hint: there are 2 ways) Pressure on boundary Magma movement
What do thermal imaging techniques and satellite cameras detect? Increases in temperature due to magma moving through the structure as activity increases
What is the role of chemical sensors? Measure levels of sulphur in gases released from volcanoes (high closer to an eruption)
How can groundwater measurement help? Steam eruptions (prior to explosive ones) will cause the ground to be more moist due to condensation
What may changes in a volcano's shape indicate? (Bonus: give 2 reasons why) Ground deformation may occur before an eruption because travelling magma: - Thermally expands rock - Physically expands vent Increases in deformation signal a new eruptive episode
Give 2 examples of monitoring methods for these shape changes. Laser levelling GPS
What does laser levelling involve? (Bonus: why may it be inconvenient?) Using mirrors and sensors Requires access and a person
What does GPS involve? (Bonus: what does it stand for?) Global position systems Signals sent by: Sensors on flanks of volcano Satellites
What else may be attempted to predict the scale of the eruption? Assessing the size of the magma pluton A larger pluton or magma chamber indicates more lava so greater eruptive force
How is the size of the magma pluton assessed? Thermal imaging technology
What measures may be put in place to help lessen the impact of a volcanic eruption? (Hint: there are 4) Education and evacuation awareness Communication systems Establishing shelters Building concrete barriers
In the early stages of an eruption what may be done to lessen its impact? (Hint: there are 2) (Bonus: give an example of a place where this technique was used) Digging channels to divert magma Use water to cool lava quickly (Heimay eruption, Iceland)
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