Created by Norinaromo
about 11 years ago
Question | Answer |
atone | to make up for |
Bondage | slavery; any state of being bound or held down |
credible | believable |
defray | to pay for |
diligent | hardworking, industrious, not lazy |
doleful | sad; dreary |
ghastly | frightful, horrible, deathly pale |
hamper | to hold back |
hew | to shape or cut downwith an ax; to hold to |
impoverished | poor, in a state of poverty; depleted |
incessant | never stopping, going on all the time |
intricate | complicated; difficult to understand |
lucid | easy to understand, clear;rational, sane |
posthumous | occuring or published after death |
prim | overlyneat, proper, or formal; prudish |
sardonic | grimly or scornfully mocking, bitterly sarcastic |
superflous | exceeding what is sufficient or required, excess |
supplant | to take the place of, supersede |
taunt | to jeer at, mock; (n.) an insulting or mocking remark |
tenacious | holding fast; holding together firmly;persistent |
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