B4 - L 18 e 19


Flashcards on B4 - L 18, created by jamayafeitosa on 03/03/2016.
Jamaya Feitosa
Flashcards by Jamaya Feitosa, updated more than 1 year ago
Jamaya Feitosa
Created by Jamaya Feitosa almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Against contra
although Apesar de I like Ralph, although we have a lot of fights.
appetizer /apetáizer/ aperitivo
to blame - blamed culpar, acusar Do you blame other people for your failures?
Failure /féliãr/ x sucess fracasso Although the actors were good, the movie was a failure
brakes freios
College entrance exams vestibular
court tribunal
to fail- failed fracassar ser reprovado em exame If you study hard, you won't fail the test.
dream house casa dos sonhos we have just bought our dream house
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