Created by Fritz Hull
almost 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
Normal RBCs | |
Microcytic and crenated RBCs | |
Budding Yeast | |
Air Bubble | |
Squamous epithelial (with oil droplets and NOT RBCs) | |
Dysmorphic RBCs | |
RBCs and one WBC | |
WBCs (notice the multi-lobed nuclei) | |
WBC clump | |
Eosinophils (Hansel stained) | |
WBCs (with acetic acid nuclear enhancement) | |
Squamous epithelial | |
Squamous, RTE, WBC, caudate transitional, RBC | |
Squamous epithelial and phenazopyridine crystals after refridgeration | |
Squamous epithelial (under low power) | |
Clump of squamous epithelial cells | |
Clump of squamous epithelial cells with folded forms | |
Spherical transitional epithelial cells | |
Caudate transitional epithelial cells | |
Syncytia of transitional epithelial cells | |
RTE cells. Oval distal convoluted tubule cells (notice the eccentrically placed nuclei). | |
RTE cells (cuboidal, from collecting duct) | |
RTE cell (proximal convoluted tubule cell with granules and attached fat globules). | |
Fragment of RTE cells from collecting duct | |
Oval fat body | |
Oval fat body (sudan III stained) | |
Oval fat body (bright field on right and polarized on left (notice the Maltese cross)) | |
Hemosiderin granules | |
Bacteria | |
Yeast (mycelial forms) | |
Mucous threads | |
Hyaline casts | |
Hyaline cast (under phase microscopy) | |
Convoluted hyaline cast | |
Hyaline cast (top - with amorphous urates and bottom - attached to mucus pseudocast) | |
Hyaline cast | |
Hyaline cast containing the occasional granules | |
RBC cast | |
Disintegrating RBC cast (notice the presence of free RBCs) | |
RBC cast (under phase microscopy) | |
Cast containing hemoglobin (also RBCs and yeast are present) | |
Granular dirty brown cast | |
WBC cast | |
Disintegrating WBC cast | |
WBC clump (notice the absence of a cast matrix) | |
RTE cell cast | |
RTE cell cast | |
RTE cell cast | |
Fatty cast showing adherence of fat droplets to cast matrix | |
RTE cast with bilirubin stained cells | |
Fatty cast | |
Finely granular cast and uric acid crystals | |
Granular cast formed at a tubular bend | |
Granular disitenigrating cellular cast | |
Fatty cast under phase micriscopy | |
Coarsely granular cast, squamous epithelial cell, and mucous | |
Waxy casts | |
Granular cast degenerating into waxy cast | |
Waxy cast | |
Waxy cast | |
Broad granular cast becoming waxy | |
Broad waxy cast | |
Broad bile stained waxy cast | |
Amorphous urates | |
Uric acid cryststals | |
Uric acid crytals | |
Uric acid crystals under polarized light | |
Clumps of uric acid crystals ( notice the whetstone, not the hexagonal shape that differentiates uric acid crystals from cysteine crystals) | |
Dihydrate calcium oxalate crystals | |
Dihydrate calcium oxalate crystals under phase microscopy | |
Amorphous phosphates | |
Triple phosphate crystal | |
"coffin lid" and other forms of triple phosphate crystals | |
monohydrate calcium oxalate crystals | |
triple phosphate crystal sand amorphous phosphates | |
Ammonium biurate crystals | |
Calcium carbonate crystals | |
Cystine crystals | |
Clump of cystine crystals | |
Cholesterol crystals | |
Tyrosine crystal sin fine needle clumps | |
Tyrosine crystals in rosette form | |
Leucine crystals | |
Cholesterol crystals under polarized light | |
Bilirubin crystals ( notice the bright yellow color) | |
Ampicillin crystals, non refrigerated | |
Sulfa crystals and bacteria seen in UTI | |
Ampicilan crystals after refridgeration | |
Sulfa crystals in rossette form | |
Starch granules ( notice the dimpled center) | |
Pollen granule ( notice the concentric circles) | |
Fiber resembling a cast | |
Fecal material and oil artifacts | |
Vegetable fiber resembling a waxy cast |
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