MGMT 560: Review Timed Quiz


Some, not all topics on the study guide. Let me know if somethings don't make sense
Jorge Zepeda
Quiz by Jorge Zepeda, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Jorge Zepeda
Created by Jorge Zepeda almost 9 years ago
Jorge Zepeda
Copied by Jorge Zepeda almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What is the order of steps for the Breakthrough Strategy?
  • Reframe, use power to educate, build them a golden bridge, step to their side, go to the balcony
  • Use power to educate, build them a bridge, reframe, step to their side,
  • Go to the Balcony, user power to educate, reframe, build them a golden bridge, step to their side
  • Go to the Balcony, Step to their side, reframe, build them a golden bridge, user power to educate

Question 2

Contingent reward: The degree to which the leader sets up constructive transactions or exchanges with followers. He or she clarifies expectations and establishes the rewards for meeting those expectations
  • True
  • False

Question 3

The common information effect refers to the main determinant of how much a given fact influences a group decision is not the fact itself, but how many people happen to be aware of this fact prior to a group discussion
  • True
  • False

Question 4

What are some threats to team creativity?
  • Evaluation apprehension and conformity
  • Devil's Advocate
  • Production blocking
  • Multi-tasking
  • Performance matching

Question 5

What all should you include to establish procedural fairness?
  • Consistency: procedures should be consist for every situation and person
  • Bias suppression: procedures should not be affected by personal self-interest
  • Accuracy: procedures should be based on accurate and valid info
  • Voice: allow those affected to have input in the decision making processes
  • Informal and Formal Q & A sessions to engage all stakeholders
  • A team charter?

Question 6

What are the types of transactional leadership?
  • Management by exception: Degree to which leader takes corrective action on the basis of results of leader-follower transactions
  • Active: Monitor follower behavior, anticipate problems, and take corrective actions before the behavior creates serious difficulties
  • Passive: Wait until the behavior has created problems before taking action
  • Set goals and clear expectations
  • Provides support and recognition
  • Gets people to look beyond their self-interest.

Question 7

The decision-making checklist includes the following: 1. Are the recommenders “in love” with their recommendation? 2. Were dissenting opinions explored within the recommending team? 3. Where did the numbers come from? 4. Are recommenders overly attached to past decisions? 5. If you had to make this decision again in a year, what information would you want, and can you get more of it now?
  • True
  • False

Question 8

If you can read your teammates true emotions even when they are trying to hide them, what are you displaying?
  • Transformational leadership
  • Cognitive Ability
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Transactional leadership
  • Individual Consideration

Question 9

As a leader, trust is built on three things:
  • The ability to repair trust as fast as possible
  • Bases of power
  • Behaviors of the leader
  • Percieved fairness
  • Sound moral and ethical principles
  • All of the above

Question 10

What all is included to avoid escalation of commitment to a losing course of action?
  • SET LIMITS Ideally, a team should determine at the outset what criteria and performance standards justify continued investment in the project or program in question.
  • AVOID THE BYSTANDER EFFECT: In many situations, especially ambiguous ones, people are not sure how to behave and do nothing because they don't want to appear foolish. This dynamic explains the bystander effect, or the tendency to not take action when others are around.
  • AVOID TUNNEL VISION: Get several perspectives on the problem. Ask people who are not personally involved in the situation for their appraisal.
  • RECOGNIZE SUNK COSTS: Probably the most powerful way to avoid escalation of commitment is to simply recognize and accept sunk costs. Sunk costs are resources, such as money and time, previously invested that cannot be recovered. If making the initial decision today, would you make the investment currently under consideration (as a continuing investment), or would you choose another course of action? If the decision is not one that you would choose anew, you might want to start thinking about how to terminate the project and move to the next one.
  • AVOID BAD MOOD: Unpleasant emotional states are often implicated in poor decision making. Negative affect (such as bad mood, anger, and embarrassment) leads to nonoptimal courses of action—holding out the hope for some highly positive but risky outcome. When people are upset, they tend to choose high-risk, high-payoff options.
  • EXTERNAL REVIEW: In some cases, it is necessary to remove or replace the original decision makers from deliberations precisely because they are biased. One way to do this is with an external review of departments

Question 11

What are the dimensions of transformational leadership?
  • Charisma or idealized influence:
  • Inspirational motivation
  • Individual Consideration
  • Intellectual Stimulation
  • Contingent Rewards
  • Informal recognition

Question 12

Formal Recognition: refers to an individual and/or group providing contingently informal genuine acknowledgement, approval, and appreciation for work well done
  • True
  • False

Question 13

What is part of the Big Five?
  • Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Opennes to experience, Extraversion
  • Completeness, Agreeablenss, Neuroticism, Opneness to experience, Extraversion
  • Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Emotional intelligence, Opennes to experience, Extraversion
  • Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Emotional intelligence, Opennes to experience, Motivation

Question 14

Team rewards may foster competition between teams, leading to suboptimization of the organizational goals.
  • True
  • False

Question 15

Creating a bonus pool may be created based on the performance of the entire team. The bonus pool can be divided among the individuals who are members of the team based on how well the individuals performed is trying to avoid what?
  • Halo Bias
  • Cutthroat cooperation effect
  • Faultines
  • Percieved unfariness

Question 16

Level 1 of repairing trust is: Situation or Person. Relative easy, the situation. People subtract the effect of the situation and attribute what remains to the actor. Provide an external excuse and justification.
  • True
  • False

Question 17

These fault lines may split a group into subgroups and provide an informal structure for intragroup conflict/Groups with strong fault lines are more likely to identify not with their group as a whole, but rather, with sub groups inside the team
  • True
  • False

Question 18

What is missing to improve creativity in groups? Create a functionally diverse team Empower the team Make it a competition Use the anonymous nominal group technique
  • Establish a team charter
  • Set high quantity goals
  • Utilize informal recognition
  • Team members with lots of weak ties are best

Question 19

Informal recognition refers to an individual and/or group providing contingently informal genuine acknowledgement, approval, and appreciation for work well done
  • True
  • False

Question 20

LMX Theory: The leader-member-exchange model (LMX) focuses on the relationships that leaders develop with particular subordinates and what leaders of subordinates offer and receive in such relationships
  • True
  • False

Question 21

Men are perceived as: independent, assertive and rational – autocratic style while women are perceived as: Women are more emotional, relationship focused, and accommodating – democratic style
  • True
  • False

Question 22

What impacts creativity?
  • Mood
  • Being in groups
  • Being hungry
  • Time

Question 23

Level 3 of repairing trust is: Fixable or Fixed. You have to convince others that it was a stupid mistake and that it will not continue in the future. Each time you move down the level it becomes more difficult to repair trust. Will these issues persist into the future or not? Identify, acknowledge and assume responsibility. Offer an apology that acknowledges both guilt and regret. Voluntarily pay back the violation of the circumstance(s)
  • True
  • False

Question 24

Halo Effect: It’s when we make an inference about specific traits on the basis of a general impression. It’s a mental short cut as we tend to grasp with relevant and tangible information, like performance. So we take that relevant information and make attributions about other stuff that are more vague or ambiguous. Pretty much a rule of thumb that lets people make guess about things that are hard to assess directly.
  • True
  • False

Question 25

If you are repairing trust at level 3 what should you do?
  • Now the issue is whether or not these issues will persist into the future •Identify, acknowledge, and assume responsibility •Offer an apology (guilt + regret) •Voluntarily paying a financial penalty
  • The most comprehensive way in which trust can be repaired is by affecting the truth of the violation •Challenge the notion •Provide tangible evidence •Provide verbal denials (as long as consistent with the evidence)
  • Observers subtract the effect of the situation and attribute what remains to the actor •Provide an external excuse •Provide a justification

Question 26

Skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback are all part of what?
  • Job Design
  • Improving group creativity
  • Transformational leadership
  • Ways to avoid groupthink

Question 27

Groupthink: A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members’ strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action
  • True
  • False

Question 28

Framing bias: The inconsistency is a preference reversal and reveals the framing bias. Almost any decision can be refrained as a gain or a loss relative to something
  • True
  • False

Question 29

Four main principles: 1. Difficult specific goals lead to significantly higher performance than easy goals, no goals, or even the setting of an abstract goal such as urging people to do their best 2. Given goal commitment, the higher the goal the higher the performance 3. Incentives lead to the setting of and commitment to a specific difficult goal 4. Goal setting affects choice, effort, and persistence, but also cognition; people are motivated to discover ways to attain the goal This describes what?
  • Goal Setting
  • Job Design
  • Motivating groups
  • Providing rewards and punishment

Question 30

A small request opens the door for a larger one. Asked people to put an ugly “Drive Carefully” sign in their front yard. 76% said yes if they had previously agreed to put a 3x3 inch safe driving sticker in their front window (versus 17%) is an example of what?
  • Door-in-the-face technique
  • That’s-not-all technique
  • Foot-in-the-door technique
  • The drive-through technique

Question 31

Overestimation of the group: Members of the group regard themselves as invulnerable and, at the same time, morally correct. This can lead decision makers to believe they are exempt from standards is part of what?
  • Threats to creativity
  • Threats to motivation
  • Groupthink
  • Job design

Question 32

“Tell me about a time when you had to resolve a conflict between a coworker and a customer or supplier. How did the conflict come about, what were the steps you took to resolve it, and what was the eventual conclusion?” Is an example of what kind of question?
  • Behavioral or experience based
  • Situational based
  • devil's advocate based
  • Skill baed

Question 33

What is the order for organizational change process?
  • Enlist, Envisage, Understand, Motive, Communicate, Act, Consolidate
  • Communicate, Envisage, Understand, Enlist, Motivate, Consolidate, Act
  • Understand, Enlist, Envisage, Motivate, Communicate, Act, Consolidate
  • None of the above

Question 34

"________________ step is gather and sharing information with key stakeholders to help them understand and align around the problem. This often occurs at a senior, depending on teh challenge". Is what step when going through organizational change?
  • Enlist
  • Understanding
  • Communicating
  • Coming up with a vision
  • None of the above

Question 35

When enlisting what/who should you consider?
  • What is the effect on the stakeholders?
  • Who is the Sponsor?
  • Who is the Change Agent?
  • Who are the key Stakeholders?
  • Who are the helpers?
  • Who are the resisters?
  • None of the above

Question 36

What might we expect to see more of in the future? What might we expect to see less of in the future is part of what step in the organizational change process?
  • Motivate
  • Act
  • Consolidate
  • Understand
  • None of the above

Question 37

When Motivating in the organizational change process what all should you do?
  • Create a sense of urgency
  • Communicate the vision and strategy to all stakeholders
  • Share information and communicate honestly
  • Develop a strategy: "how you'll get there"
  • Make it personal
  • All of the above

Question 38

True or false: Repeat and reinforce your message during the change process using a variety of media is part of the "Communicate" step in organizational change?
  • True
  • False

Question 39

Making structures compatible with the vision, aliging practices, policies, systems, providing training for employees, generate and publicize short-term wins, deal with managers who undercut needed change is part of which step for organizational change?
  • Consolidate
  • Communicate
  • Motivate
  • Enlist
  • None of the above

Question 40

Consolidating uses increased creadibility to change policies, structures, and systems that don't support the vision, hire, promote and develop employees who can implement the vision, reinvigorate the process with new projects, themes, and change agents
  • True
  • False

Question 41

When teams dwell on info is the commonly known and make decisions that often reflect the common knowledge. The portions of the superior decision alternative are with each different member, which could contradict the groups choice is known as what?
  • Threats to team creavitity
  • Groupthink
  • Hidden Profile
  • LMX Theory
  • None of the above

Question 42

When setting up consistency, bias suppression, accuracy and voice what are you establishing?
  • Structured team decision-making
  • Ways to eliminate procedurally fariness
  • MBE practices
  • Procedurally fairness
  • Ways to avoid group decision-making pitfalls

Question 43

Which one(s) is the degree to which leader take correction action on the basis of results of leader-follower transactions?
  • Management by Exception (MBE)
  • Transactional Leadership
  • Tranformational Leadership
  • Individualized Consideration

Question 44

What are the types of transactional leadership?
  • Management by exception (Active)
  • Management by exception (Passive)
  • Contingent Reward
  • Intellectual Stimulation
  • Inspriational Motivation
  • All of the above

Question 45

Larger teams are more likely to fall prey to groupthink. People grow more intimidated and hesitant as team size increases. Teams with more than 10 members may feel less personal responsibility for team outcomes
  • True
  • False

Question 46

Passive MBE is waiting until behavior is a problem before doing something about it
  • True
  • False

Question 47

Team members are more likely to discuss info that everyone knows, as opposed to unique information that each may have. As a result teams often fail to make decisions supported if all members had full info about the choice, is.....?
  • Hidden profile effect
  • Consequencess of the "common information effect"
  • Groupthink
  • Threats to team

Question 48

What can you do to avoid decision-making pitfalls as a group?
  • Monitor team size
  • Make sure everyone is in a postive mood
  • Offer Contingent Rewards
  • The risk technique
  • Force the team to find a secon solution
  • Appoint a devil's advocate
  • Extend the time frame
  • All of the above

Question 49

When shifting to "System two" you are utilize a 1) 5 question checklist, focused on the decision-making process 2) Used to uncover "system one" errors and be detached from the recommendations 3) Use for important decisions, not the "rubber stamp" ones 4) The key is to be systematic and disciplined when using the checklist
  • True
  • False

Question 50

The following helps to avoid what? "Many teams are afraid of being blamed for poor decisions—even decisions for which it would have been impossible to predict the outcome. Often, face-saving concerns prevent people from changing course, even when the current course is clearly doubtful. Teams that are given an excuse for poor performance before knowing the outcome of their decision are less likely to succumb to groupthink than teams that do not have an excuse."
  • Hidden profiles
  • Groupthink
  • Faultlines
  • Threats to creativity
  • Being "hangry"

Question 51

The following best describes The "Risk Technique" to avoid groupthink: "a structured discussion situation designed to reduce group members' fears about making decisions. The goal is to create an atmosphere in which team members can express doubts and raise criticisms without fear of rejection or hostility from the team"
  • True
  • False

Question 52

What leads to more risky decision making, add stress and impairs the team's effectiveness to making decisions?
  • Groupthink
  • Pressure of time
  • Lack of transformational leadership
  • Lack of contingent rewards

Question 53

Discussing in specific terms who is responsible for achieving performance targets or making clear what one can expect to receive when performance goals are achieved is part of Contingent reward
  • True
  • False

Question 54

Its better to have contrived dissent over genuine dissent?
  • True
  • False

Question 55

Indeed, groups with activated ______________ are more likely to form coalitions, experience conflict, and have lower satisfaction and lower group performance than groups with dormant ______________. Fill in the blank
  • Faultlines, Fautlines
  • Conflict, Fautlines
  • Faultlines, Conflict
  • Conflict, Conflict
  • None of the above

Question 56

Evaluation apprehension/conformity, free-riding/social loafing, production blocking, and performance matching are all threats to what?
  • Groupthink
  • Team Efficacy
  • Team Effectiveness
  • Team Creativity

Question 57

What does LMX stand for?
  • Leader-Model-Exchange
  • Leader-Member-Exchange
  • Leader Mechanix
  • None of the above

Question 58

When groups are under threat and desire to change, they favor men
  • True
  • False

Question 59

How does mood impact creativity?
  • Positive mood promotes more expansive, divergent thinking, novelty, and playfulness
  • Dual-tuning model: Negative mood can help you determine which ideas are useful
  • Negative mood: can help think critically and how useful the idea is
  • All of the above

Question 60

The following is how to avoid escalation of commitment to a losing course of action: Set Limits, Avoid the bystander effect, avoid tunnel vision, recognize sunk costs, avoid bad mood and use an external review
  • True
  • False

Question 61

Role Congruity Theory: proposes that a group will be positively evaluated when its characteristics are recognized as aligning with that group's typical social roles. For example: we assume teams with male leaders will be successful because their characteristics match up with the characteristics of a good leader.
  • True
  • False
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