Question | Answer |
Biceps | Flexes lower arm and supinates palm upwards |
Triceps | Extends lower arm |
Teres major | Rotates, abducts humerus and extends shoulder joint |
Deltoids | Abducts the shoulder, flexes and extends upper arm |
Pectorals | Flexes and abducts upper arm |
Trapezius | Elevates and depress scapula |
Erector spinae: illocostalis, longissimus and spinalis | Extention of the spine |
Latissimus dorsi | Extends, adducts and rotates the humerus medially (draws the arm back and inwards towards the body) |
Rectus abdominus | Flexion and rotation of lumbar region of vertebral column |
Enternal and internal obliques | Lateral flextion of the trunk |
Transverse abdominals | Constricts abdominal contents, assists in forcing air out of lungs |
Gluteus maximus | Extends hip, laterally rotates high (assists turn-out) |
Quadriceps -rectus femoris -vastus lateralis -vastus medialis -vastus intermedius | Extends the knee and lower leg |
Hamstrings -semimembranosus -semiteninosus --biceps femoris | Flexes the knee and lower leg, extends the thigh and hips |
Gastrocnemius | Plantar flexion and knee flexion |
soleus | Plantar flexion |
Tibialis anterior | Dorsi flexion and inverts the ankles |
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