Types of erosion


Mrs Foster Geography (Coasts) Flashcards on Types of erosion, created by Emily Herbert on 30/03/2016.
Emily Herbert
Flashcards by Emily Herbert, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Herbert
Created by Emily Herbert almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What are the four types of erosion? Abrasion, Attrition, Hydraulic Action and Solution
What is abrasion? they fling sand and pebbles against the rock. These wear it away like sandpaper.
What is attrition? the bits of rock that break off also get worn down, by knocking against each other.
What is Hydraulic Action? they force water into the cracks in the rock. That helps to break it up.
What is solution? they dissolve soluble material from the rock.
What affects erosion? soft rock, hard rock, wind, fetch etc.
What is soft rock? its less resistant, e.g clay and sands, more easily eroded, landslides and cliff slumping caused by marine erosion and weathering.
What is hard rock? more resistant, e.g chalk and granite, less easily eroded, rock fall caused by erosion at base of cliff.
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