Created by nitahall01
almost 9 years ago
Question | Answer |
Apothegm | a concise saying or maxim; an aphorism *apotema |
Apogee | 1) the point in the orbit of the moon or a satellite at which it is furthest from the earth. 2) the highest point in the development of something; the climax or culmination. *apogeo |
Apex | (n.) the highest point; summit *apéndice |
Apathy | (n.) indifference *apatía |
Antiapathy | dislike; hostility *antipatía |
Antediluvian | prehistoric; of or belonging to the time before the Flood *antediluviano |
Antecedent | (n.) something that comes before *antecedente |
Anomalous | (adj.) irregular; deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected *anómalo |
Anodyne | (n) something that calms or soothes pain; inoffensive; doesn't cause dissent *anodino |
Anarchy | (n) absence of government; state of disorder *anarquía |
Analogous | (adj.) comparable in certain respects *análogo |
Analgesic | (n) something that reduces or eliminates pain |
Amulet | (n) ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits |
Amenity | (n) something that increases comfort *amenidad |
Amenable | (adj) agreeable; cooperative; open or susceptible to suggestion *dócil |
Ameliorate | to improve *mejorar |
Ambrosia | (n) the food of the gods; something delish (adj.) ambrosial "an ambrosial meal" *ambrosía |
Ambivolent | having mixed/conflicting feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone *ambivalente |
Appease | to calm; pacify; placate *apaciguar |
Anachronism | (n) something out of the proper time; old fashioned [i.e. some experts regard the retirement age of 65 as an anachronism at a time when people in the developed world have much longer life expectancies than previously] *anacronismo |
Compunction | uneasiness caused by guilt a feeling of guilt that follows the doing of something bad *compunción (violence) |
Abate | to decrease; reduce *disminuir |
Abdicate | renounce one's throne to give up a position, right, or power *abdicar |
Aberrant | departing from an accepted standard [i.e. behavior, weather event] *aberrante |
Abeyance | a state of temporary disuse or suspension [i.e. a judge holds his/her judgement in abeyance until all of the facts in a case have been presented] *suspensión |
Abject | 1) of a situation/condition: extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading (abject poverty) 2) of a person or their behavior: completely without pride or dignity; self-abasing (an abject apology) *abyecto |
Abjure | solemnly renounce (a belief, cause, or claim) (i.e. to abjure allegiance; to abjure one's error; to abjure the use of violence) |
Abstemious | not self-indulgent, especially when eating and drinking moderate in appetite *abstemio |
Abstinence | the giving up of certain pleasures *abstinencia |
Abysmal | very bad, extremely bad; appalling (i.e. the abysmal failure of the free market) *abismal |
Adamant | uncompromising; unyielding (inflexible, rigid, uncompromising) *firme |
Affinity | fondness; liking; similarity *afinidad |
Affected | influenced or touched by an external factor acted upon; assumed artificially, unnatural; feigned-> pretend; counterfeit; hoax; fraud *afectado |
Discomfit | to make uneasy; disconcert; deject make (someone) feel uneasy or embarrassed. *desconcertar en algo |
Deject | to depress the spirits of; dispirit; dishearten make sad or dispirited; depressed (i.e. such news dejects me; (especially of the eyes) directed downwards) |
Diabuse | persuade (someone) that an idea or belief is mistaken to free from misconception *desengañar |
Digression | a temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing (a passage or section that deviates from the central theme in speech or writing) *digresión |
Diffidence | shyness; lack of confidence *timidez |
Deride | to mock *ridiculizar |
Deterrent | something that discourages or hinders [i.e. U.S. keeps nuclear weapons as a deterrent to aggression by other countries; i.e. NK] *disuasorio |
Desultory | random; disconnected; rambling (as in speech: random/desultory testimony/comments) *inconexo |
Desuetude | state of disuse; no longer used or practiced (to fall into desuetude; fell into desuetude; some traditions have fallen into desuetude) *desuso |
Convivial | sociable *alegre |
Craven | cowardly *cobarde |
Distend | to expand swell or cause to swell by pressure from inside (the abdomen distended rapidly) *distender |
Contend | to assert *contender |
Demur | to express doubt raise doubts or objections or show reluctance *objetar |
Congenial | similar in tastes & habits (the universe is congenial to intelligent life & consciousness) OR adj: pleasant bcs of personality; *agradable |
Complaint | yielding (negotiating) (compliance) [i.e. the young negotiator is trying to learn the skill of being open to proposals by the other side without seeming too complaint] |
Denouement | outcome *desenlace |
Denigrate | Slur someone's image criticize unfairly; disparage (to denigrate someone's character/project) *denigrar |
Demotic | pertaining to people/speech (a demotic idiom) |
Deference | humble submission and respect (he addressed her with the deference due to age) |
Concoct | to invent (to concoct a theory) make (a dish or meal) by combining various ingredients |
Conscript | a person compulsory enrolled for military services *reclutar |
Discrete | (adj) constituting in a separate thing; separate; distinct; individually separate [i.e. like the physicist, the abstract artist strives to identify the discrete elements of reality and to understand how they interact] |
Disinterested | unbiased; unprejudiced; neutral (a banker is under an obligation to give disinterested advice) |
Disjointed | disconnected; incoherent; dislocated [i.e. writers James Joyce & William Faulkner use the writing technique of telling a story through a disjointed narrative] *inconexo |
Disparage | to belittle; depreciate; to speak of or treat slightingly -> derogatory and disparaging *menospreciar |
Dissemble | (v) to pretend; disguise one's motives *disimular |
Innocuous | 1) harmless - an innocuous home remedy, 2) inoffensive - an innocuous remark; an innocuous question 3) not interesting - an innocuous novel *inocuo |
Alacrity | cheerful willingness; eagerness; speed *prontitud |
Amalgate | to combine into a unified whole (i.e. in early 1999, six municipalities were amalgamated into an enlarged city of Toronto, Canada) *amalgamar |
Scrumptious | 1) food - extremely appetizing or delicious 2) of a person - very attractive *de chuparse los dedos |
Abscission | the natural detachment of parts of a plant, typically dead leaves and ripe fruit (i.e. leaf abscission | i.e the surgeon abscised a small growth) *abscisión |
Abscond | to depart secretly *fugarse |
Alchemy | medieval chemical philosophy (i.e. alchemy was the forerunner of the modern science of chemistry) *alquimia |
Allure | the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; the power to entice by charm (i.e. the allure of France is great; millions of people around the world study its language and culture) *seducir |
Expound | present & explain (a theory or idea) systematically + in detail (he was expanding a powerful argument) *exponer |
Discerning | perceptive; exhibiting keen insight and good judgement (a woman of discerning taste in literature; an english lit. course helps students become discerning readers; ... to become a discerning reader; a discerning movie critic) *perspicaz |
Abstinence | the giving up of certain pleasures |
Discordant | not in tune; disagreeing or incongruous -> (not in harmony) (i.e. In a pluralistic society there exists a cacophony of discordant voices, each shouting to be heard) |
Disseminate | to spread; scatter; disperse |
Disparate | dissimilar; unequal or unlike (income disparity in the world; physics and biology) *dispar |
Disingenuous | not candid/sincere (pretending that one knows less about something that one really does) *falso |
Distrait | inattentive; preoccupied *distraído |
Dearth | scarcity or lack of something *escasez |
Cozen | mislead, trick, deceive (politics) *engañar |
Debauchery | excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; corruption *libertinaje |
Condone | to overlook voluntarily; forgive accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue (Gandhi didn't condone violence) |
Discretion | (n.) quality of showing self-restraint in speech or actions; circumspection (prudence) (i.e. In 19th century Britain gentlemen were expected to behave with discretion) *discreción/prudencia |
Connoisseur | an expert judge in matters of taste (i.e. wine connoisseur) *conocedor |
Consecrate | to declare sacred *consagrar |
Contentious | quarrelsome (argumentative) causing quarrels; argument; controversial *contencioso |
Concomitant | existing concurrently (occurring or existing simultaneously or side by side) (an existing argument, ability, or skill) *concomitante |
Conciliatory | overcoming distrust or hostility (foreign policy) *conciliador |
Concave | curving inward (lense) |
Default | failure to act (financial loan) |
Delieanate | to represent or depict |
Conundrum | riddle (a puzzling question); puzzle with no solution *adivinanza |
Contumacious | disobedient; rebellious |
Denizen | an inhabitant; regular visitor (... denizen of the sea) *habitante |
Contiguous | touching; neighboring; sharing a common border |
Continence | self-control (to contain) *continencia |
Contrite | very sorrowful for a wrong feeling or expressing remorse |
Converge | to approach; come together; tend to meet |
Convex | curving outward (lense) |
Coquette | a woman who flits |
Curnocopia | a horn overflowing with fruit and grains; abundance *cuerno del a abundancia |
Cosmology | study of the universe the science of the origin and development of the universe *cosmología |
Covert | hidden; secret (CIA investigates covert info) *encubierto |
Convention | practiced widely; observed in a group; custom; accepted technique *convención |
Decorum | proper behavior behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety *decoro |
Detraction | the act of taking away; to take a way; derogatory comments on a person's character (i.e. D. J. Trump / Obama / etc... ) |
Admonish | to caution or reprimand *amonestar |
Superlative | of the highest quality or degree |
Allay | to lessen; ease; soothe (the report attempted to educate the public and allay fears) *aliviar |
Alloy | a combination; mixture of two or more metals (i.e. scientists formulate alloys to create properties that are not possessed by natural metals or other substances) |
Aggrandize | increase the power, status, or wealth of *engrandecer |
Aggregate | total combined; a sum, mass, or assemblage of particulars; a total or gross amount *agregar |
Adjunct | something added; a thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part (computer technology is an adjunct to learning) |
Accrue | to accumulate; grow by additions (interest rate; to accrue interests) *acumularse |
Accretion | growth in size or increase in amount - by natural growth or by gradual external addition |
Copious | abundant; plentiful in supply or quantity |
Convoluted | twisted; complicated (genetic code; a convoluted narrative) *complejo (complex) |
Desiccate | to dry completely (bones) *desecar |
Diaphanous | transparent; fine-textured; insubstantial; vague very sheer + light; almost completely transparent or translucent *diáfano |
Dichotomy | division into two usually contradictory parts (psychology: mind vs. physical body phenomenon) *dicotomía |
Derivative | something derived; unoriginal *derivado |
Diffuse | to spread out spread out over a large area; not concentrated (technologies diffuse rapidly) *difuso |
Dirge | funeral hymn |
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