Lipoprotein and Enzyme Function


Year 2 (Lipids) Flashcards on Lipoprotein and Enzyme Function, created by gina_evans0312 on 24/01/2014.
Flashcards by gina_evans0312, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gina_evans0312 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Cylomicrons- Transport Triacylglycerols, phospholipids and cholesterol
Cylomicrons- Movement From intestine to periperal cells
Cylomicrons- Main Apolipoprotein ApoB48
Cylomicrons- Destruction Cleaved by cells with LPL into Remnant particles
Remnant Particles- Movement From peripheral cells to liver, where dietary cholesterol is removed
VLDLs- Transport Endogenously synthesized TAGs
VLDL- Movement From liver to periphery
VLDL's- Main Apolipoprotein ApoB100
VLDLs- Destruction Broken down by LPL on peripheral cells into IDLs
LDLs- Transport VLDL remnants- rich in cholesterol
LDLs- Apolipoprotein B100 (changes conformation to bind to receptors in liver/peripheral tissue)
LDLs- Uptake 80% by ApoB/E receptors, the rest recirculate
LDL to HDL Conversion In peripheral tissues, excess cholesterol can be converted to HDLs by adding TAGs
HDL's- Transport Cholesterol
HDL's- Movement From periphery to liver
HDL's- Extra Role Metabolism of other particles
HDL's- Main Apolipoprotein ApoAI/AII
ApoAI/AII- Roles Activation/Inhibition of LCAT
ApoAI/AII Structure Repeat units known as Kringles and a protease domain
HTGL Hepatic Triglyceride Lipase
HTGL- Role Removes T.A.G's from passing T.A.G rich particles/ removes LGL digested remnants
HTGL- Location Liver plasma membranes
LPL Lipoprotein Lipase
LPL- Role Digestion of chylomicrons and VLDL's
LPL- Location Vascular endothelial cell membranes
MTP Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein- Assists in binding of TAG to VLDL
LCAT Lecithin Cholesterol Acetyl Transferase
LCAT- Role Esterification of cholesterol in HDLs
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