Biology 108 - Geological History


Chemistry 101 Biology 108 Flashcards on Biology 108 - Geological History, created by jennabarnes12387 on 27/01/2014.
Flashcards by jennabarnes12387, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jennabarnes12387 almost 11 years ago

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Question Answer
What are possible reasons for the rapid change in gene regulation? body plan organization, protection and other systems for competition and prey, extrinsic causes, and environment changes that would speed up the evolution process
list the 4 parts of the earths structure. the core, the mantle, the tectonic plates, and the lithosphere
What is the Lithosphere? the upper part of the earths mantle, about 40-50 km below the earths crust
What is the hydrosphere? all the water on earth, including oceans, rivers, glaciers, and groundwater
What is the atmosphere? The gas pocket that surrounds the earth
what is the troposphere? the lower portion of the atmosphere that is 6-18 km thick
What is the Stratosphere? the upper portion of the atmosphere that extents up to 50 km above the earth's surface
What is the Biosphere? the biotic compounds of the earth and there interactions with abiotic and biotic factors
How was the earth structured 800 millions years ago? all the tectonic plates formed one super continent *but this is not Pangea*
What caused the rapid change in diversity of organisms? climate changes such as the increase of oxygen, and the development of the hox gene complex, which allows for evolution flexibility
What are the 4 eras of earth's evolution, listed in order? How long were they? Hadean (4.6-3.85 bya), Archaean (3.85-2.5 bya), Proterozoic (2.5 b-542 mya), and Phanerozoic (542 m- present)
The Phanerozoic is divided into three eras. What are they? How long did they last? Paleozoic (542-251 mya), Mesozoic (251-65.5 mya), and Cenozoic (65.5 mya- present)
Describe the Ordovician period of the Paleozoic era. (2 major species) comes right after the Cambrian period. the appearance of the first land plants. they still need to go into water to get the sperm to the ova. they form primitive exoskeletons as earlier plants lived in water and didn't need support to stay upright. Also vertebrates without jaws that filter fed through there mouths and let out water through vents in there sides
Why did the extinction of a species result in more biological diversity? When a species dies out, it leaves behind resources for other organisms. species move in, thrive, and evolve to create new species
What percent of species that have existed on the plant, do we believe have died out? 99.9%
Describe the Silurian Period in Paleozoic era (3 major organism types) development of diversity in vascular plants, which are plants that have tissue to transport water and minerals. the xylem portion brings water into the plant and the flome portion transport sugar made by the leaves to the rest of the plant. also jaws appear in vertabrates which formed over the holes where they used to filter feed. fully land plants, and fungi that can have relationships with plants
Describe the Devonian period in the Paleozoic era. (3 main species types) huge change and diversity in fish who grew about 9 times in size. first insects and amphibians.
Describe the carboniferous period in the Paleozoic era. (2 species and 1 event) time of the coal forest. all coal we have today came from this period. also amphibian diversity and origin of reptiles.
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