Fitness and Blood Pressure


Combined with definitions of keywords and questions. Revise well!
Flashcards by khalsagirl16, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by khalsagirl16 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Healthy Being free of any infections and/or diseases
Fit A measure of how well you can perform physical tasks.
How can FITNESS be measured? Many ways: strength, speed, stamina, agility and flexibility.
What does stamina indicate? How can it be tested? Cardiovascular efficiency - this is the ability of the heart to supply muscles with oxygen. Can be tested by measuring oxygen uptake during exercise and blood pressure.
Blood is pumped around the body under pressure. How? By the contractions of the heart. These contractions increase the the pressure of the blood.
Blood pressure is at it's highest when the heart contracts. What is this called? Systolic pressure
What is diastolic pressure? When the heart relaxes - this is the lowest pressure
What are other factors other than heart contractions which can increase blood pressure? Smoking, being overweight, excessive consumption of alcohol and being under lots of stress for a long time.
What leads to strokes, brain damage and kidney damaged? High blood pressure causes the blood vessels to burst.
Health problems - how can high b.p be decreased? Lifestyle changes - balanced diet, regular exercise. *drugs used in extreme cases.
What units is b.p measured in? mmHg millimetres of mercury
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