B3a- Molecules of Life


gcse Biology Flashcards on B3a- Molecules of Life, created by k m on 29/01/2014.
k m
Flashcards by k m, updated more than 1 year ago
k m
Created by k m over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the job of the cell membrane?? To control movement into and out of the cell.
What does the nucleus control and contain?? It contains the genetic informaton and controls what the cell does.
Where does respiration take place?? In the mitochondria.
What takes place in the cytoplasm?? Most chemical reactons. It may contain mitochondria, which is where most energy is released in respiration.
What does a typical animal cell look like??
What are the typical features of an animal cell?? Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, membrane, ribosome, mitochondria.
Why do liver and muscle cells have particularly large numbers of mitochondria?? Because they have a high energy requirement.
What is the 'genetic code'?? A complete set of genetic instructions found in the nucleus of each cell.
What does the genetic code control?? Cell activity and therefore some characteristics of the whole organism.
Describe the structure of a DNA molecule. 2 strands coiled around eachother in double helix; bases bond in pairs to form cross-links.
When was the structure of DNA first put forward and by whom?? 1953: James Watson & Francis Crick, used data from X-ray crystallography by Rosalind Franklin.
Where are proteins made?? In the cytoplasm.
What is meant by complimentary base pairing?? A bonds with T and C bonds with G on opposite strands of the DNA molecule.
A group of how many bases represents one amino acid in a protein chain?? Three.
Proteins are synthesised by structures called what?? Ribosomes.
What is the name given to the messenger molecule involved in protein synthesis?? It is called mRNA.
Watson and Crick's discovery led to what?? An explosion of scientific advances including genetic engineering and mapping the human genome.
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