Coastal Ecosystems Flashcards


BSc Marine Biology (Coastal Ecosystems) Flashcards on Coastal Ecosystems Flashcards, created by Hayley Harrison on 16/04/2016.
Hayley Harrison
Flashcards by Hayley Harrison, updated more than 1 year ago
Hayley Harrison
Created by Hayley Harrison almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Mangrove Ecosystem Dynamics -estimating biomass: looking at different components as a whole -due to carbon fluxes, mangroves provide good provisions for fisheries
Types of Production -gross primary production: energy as biomass from primary producers -net primary production: rate at which plants produce net energy -net ecosystem production: different between GPP and respiration
Estimating Forest Productivity
Wood-Associated Carbon Flow
Mangrove Development -mangroves can develop in different geomorphical settings
Humans and Mangroves -options for utilization: retain and harvest, convert -subsistence: operating outside the cash economy, use of trade other than sale -cash economy: exploitation of species, dependent on mangrove health
Mangrove Forest Management -problems: insufficient stake on land, damaged trees, poor strategy, acidification, deoxygenation -ecosystem services: storm protection, outwelling of carbon, biomass increase, carbon sequestration
Felling Management -3 management schemes: 20/30 year (no thinning), 30/40 year (natural regeneration), 20 year (replant)
Coral Reefs -rapid-growing early colonizers, slower-growing long-lived, massive forms, interspecific competition -home to 25% of marine species -reef health: a balance between growth and bioerosion (coral feeders, borers)
Coral Bleaching -stress response causing the breakdown of symbiosis -bleaching may have selective advantages
Crown of Thorns Starfish -outbreaks cause: removal or loss of predators -loss of species diversity: corals and fish
Types of Coastal Ecosystem -coastal environments: near-shore terrestrial, intertidal, benthic, pelagic -unique in their steep graduation of conditions -coastal development: loss of communities and resources -artificial reefs: remove pressures
Direct Coastal Ecosystem Goods and Services -food -recreation and leisure/scenic value -medicines and cosmetics -fuel and energy -education and information
Indirect Coastal Ecosystem Goods and Services -climate regulation -nutrient cycling -flood and storm protection -bioremediation of waste -biologically mediated habitat -resilience and resistance -all have values that must be considered before development
Anti-fouling Paints -increased input of heavy metals and biocides/organotins -causes: shell malformation, imposex and intersex individuals, reduced infection resistance, TBT in the food chain via marine mammals
Algal Reefs -build by calcerous (coralline) algae -ecosystem architecture: benthic assemblage, lower canopy, midwater and surface canopy -threats: overgrazing, eutrophication/pollution, storms, invasive species, disease
Reef Community Dynamics
Bait Collection -"the collection of animals to be used as sea fishing bait" -methods: hand digging, bait pump, hand collection, dragging, dredging -habitat impacts: sediment disturbance, increased bioavaialbility of heavy metals
Fjord Ecosystems -a narrow inlet formed by glacial scouring, usually U-shaped, often deeper than nearby ocean -high stratification, steep profile, high freshwater input -sampling: transects, quadrats, ROV, baited video
Fjord Profile
Fjord Seasonal Variation
Temperate Reefs -reef structure/morphology important to communities -highly productive autotrophs -"wall of mouths" -controlled by a variety of bio-physical variables (exposure, temperature, productivity)
Kelp Forest Food Web
Zonal Vegetation Worldwide
Azonal Vegetation -defined by abiotic factors (geomorphology, hydrologic dynamics, biotic feedbacks, distrbance agent) across climactic gradients -types: coastal vegetation (hard and soft coast)
Coastal Dune -intense wind, sand, salt spray, heterogeneity -zonation (sequence of vegetation types in space) -succession (sequence of vegetation types in time)
Sand Dunes
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