1_Hist 120 Exam 1


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Omo Mora
Flashcards by Omo Mora, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Omo Mora
Created by Omo Mora almost 9 years ago
Omo Mora
Copied by Omo Mora almost 9 years ago

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Question Answer
When did the Discovery and settlement of America occur by Europeans It happened during the transition from medieval to modern periods, and much of America kept a medieval feel.
Which era did most of the colonies look like. They retained a lot of medieval characteristics.
What religious charachteristics did colonies retain that were religous The colonies retained a Christian belief. They might all ahve different ideas and values but everyone retained a certian christianity. The religions of the Africans and the Native Americans varied more than the whites.
When did the fragmentation of the Catholic church begin and why The fragmentation begin in 1517 when Martin Luther challenged the church. His challenges influenced people and they created new churches that were seen as more pure by them.
How did the religous fragmentation in Europe end It ended with the Pece of Westphalia in 1648. This put 1/3 of Europe as protestant and the 2/3 as catholic. This put the west as protestant and the east as catholic. The protestants split up and became a bunch of different sects.
Where in America did most of the protestants go. The more conservative groups went to New England while the more equal groups went to Penssalylvania
What two tech inventions help spread Protestantism Paper / Printing and Substinence Farming
How was archment made Parchment was made from the skins of animals that are bathed in a acid solution and then scraped and cleaned. These took time and used lots of animals.
How is paper made It is made by mashing wooden fiber materials and made into a pulp that is then turned into paper. It is simpler and doesn't mean so many animals.
How did paper spread the protestant faith PArchement was being used at first but was slow and costly and paper came in which was more efficient and could be used more.
How did paper arrive in the Europes It came from china and then traded with the central Asians who passed it down to the middle east. The middle east sent it to Iberia where it caught on with the christians
What did John Guttenburg do He created the movable printing press. This made it easier and quicker to make print and allowed for the spread of many ideas like protestantism.
How did the printing Press work It used metal letter and numbers that would be imprinted in wood and then they would put in to a press hich would then be put on the paper.
How did the printing press revolutionize Europe Ideas from intellectuals and scientists were able to spread and influence many. Many more presses were made and the spread of ideas grew and they were able to make everything more efficient
How did the press spread the protestant faith It allowed the faith to spread and grow and it escaped the push from Catholics and others to stop it. The ideas spread and stuck if thr press hadn't been made the ideas wouldnt survive.
What type of economic model help the protestant faith to spread Agricultural production that was based on small rural peasant farms. (Subsistence farming)
What were the most common food crops in Europe during the reformation Cereal Grains like wheat barley and rye and people also cultivated beans and peas and also onions
Where did potatoes come from Potatoes were from the new world and were introduced to the new world in the e16th century. The came from an ancestor of a potato that was cultivated int he Andes. They then showed up in Spain and were used in Holland.
How did the potato famine start and how did it affect and what countries The potato famine came from the monoproduction of potatoes that made it vulnerable to disease. This afected Ireland Germany and other areas of potato farming. This brought a wave of migration to the USA
Why did people farm potatoes The potatoes took up less space than the traditional cereal grains so it made more sense and they were able to produce more. It was also responsible for population growth.
What else did the farmers make besides Cereal Grins and Potatoes in 1500 They also tended animals and livestock like pigs and cattle. They worked in a barter economy and many stayed here and lived of the land (Subsistence FArming)
What did a medieval diet consist of It was monotonous and didn't consist of much some flour stews cereal grains. Stuff that is European at the time and imagine we had no supermarkets
Why was stew a luxury for peasant farmers.(1500) They didn't own too many animals and needed to keep them alive to survive. The stew would be saved for special occasions and they would be great for clebrations
What happened to Europe between 900 and 1300 witht the continenets forest They were almost completely wiped out and they almost destroyed the entire wood supply of the continent. It was used for land and agriculture and to build other goods
How was wood used in Europe when it became in short supply(1500) They stopped using it for buildings and started using it for the energy and warmth. Thatch was used for roofing and it was good and more abundant than wood.
Since the peasants of Europe built most of their stuff what did they make and what was it used for (1500) An example is flax which was used to make clothing. Wool from sheep was also used to make clothing. They used local materials to make tools. They were self dependent
Were farmers completely self-sufficient (1500) No. They still had to rely on outside sources for iron to make tools and spices from different parts of the world.They also got furs and wood from other areas. They got them by bartering for goods but there was a limit and it was low
How big were cities in the 1500 There were rarely any cities and if there were they were small centers of political and religious ideas and congregation. 90% lived in rural areas
Town (1500) Were generally only a few thousand and contained a church and a sheriff and other individuals that would enforce the governments will
National Capitols (1500) Cities with about 10,000 people and had all the government offices and held small industries and a small marketplace
What areas were growing much quicker than the norm The area around Paris, South Eastern England(Netherlands), London also grew exceptionally fast.
What alphabet were languages based off and who spoke these languages They were based off the Roman Alphabet and most rural people were illiterate so the only ones who spoke were intellectuals and rich
What were the two main languages that were used in Europe The two were Romance and Germanic languages
Romance Languiages Descendants of the Roman Latin and include Italian french and spanish
Germainic Came from tribes that moved from the east to the west and they adopted roman letters into their own languages
Uralic Languages Spoken in Finland Hungary estonia and rflect the westward movement of the Magyar Tribes
Basque Is a language that is spoken between the Pyrenees which Are between FArnce and SPAIN
What is english a mixtue of It is a mixture of romance and germanic languages with influences of the invasion of norman
Was Private Property a belief of the European people The Majority of the people believed in the individual rights of lAND and property.
How did the view of poperty differ betweent the African and Natives vs. the colonists Europeans believed in the concept of private property while the N/A and Africans believed in sharing land. This would lead to lots of problems
What type of political authority did Europe have The had a monarchy and or a lineage giving power usually the eldest son . The exception was Queen Elizabeth who shared her power with parliament.
What social structure allowed for the king to rule effectively The European family structure was Patriarchal, Patrilineal(passed on to boys) and monogamous (married to one person)
Can a society be matriarchal or matralineal There has never been a society that is matriarchal but there are many who have been matrilineal. They are two differnet things. The majority who are matrilineal have been gender neutral societies where women are leaders in one thing and men in others
What is polygamy When a women or man has more than two partners. There have not been many polygamists and women almost never have 2 husbands
The differences between English and Spanish Society English: Protestant, power shared with monarch and PM, lots of international trade. and Isolated. Spain: Catholic, Central Monarch, little manufacturing domestic trade, many conflicts with others
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